Lee Sin, the Blind Monk

LoL got Chuck Norris! Beat that HoN!
every single hero in this game can be OP.
happens with easy farm, no wards, no TPs, free port back, no money loss on gank, shitty tower placement, invis bushes, no lane control cause of lacking pulls and denies and all the other shit that makes the game a joke.
if you want a game where its about tactics rather than how much one guy pwns one lane you might not wonna play the casualfag edition of dota.

easy farm is not "easy" @ high level

no wards? you obviously have never played LoL

could go on, just cba with all those HoN Keyboard Commando's
You got to be kidding me....
Yeah, a game that's faster-paced, has more action and is more fun while still managing to preserve a large skill element cannot by any means be good. Oh, and on top of that it's free.

Definitely casualcrap.
free game, login queue, account leveling system, caster spells, skill trees, tower too strong for early dives, tower doesnt attack you like it should do, creeps dont attack you like they should, lanes too short -> consequences form leaving it not severe enough

i could go on for days
and you said it yourself, so just deal with it

QuoteYeah, a game that's faster-paced (casual), has more action(casual) and is more fun(for casuals) while still managing to preserve a large micomanagement element

is what i read
"like it should do, creeps dont attack you like they should"?

Seems like there is some sort of tower/creep law i haven't heard about.
Seems like there is some sort of dota you haven't heard about.
Even tho HoN and LoL are based on dota it dosent directly mean that it has to be the exact same way now does it?

You got to chill man, it's just a game, you take this shit too seriously.
where did i say that they need to be equal? i did the opposite, i compared.
why not just say "wellt the fast-paced less tactic oriented way is how i prefer it"?
LoL nerds always get mad if you point out the differences cause it isnt hard to see that it takes more to play HoN.
Its pretty simple. Go watch a LoLcast and then a HoNcast. There will be a lot of action going on in the LoLcast and it will be entertaining to watch. The HoN will take twice as long and will have less kills but you wont understand even half of the stuff the players have to consider.
You dont compare a goal in football to a point in basketball, you dont compare a kill in LoL to a kill in HoN.
you dont compare monopoly to chess, you dont compare the tactical aspect of LoL to HoN.

and while i argue you
QuoteYou got to be kidding me....

so who has gotta chill down and either make an argument or just su
braw you so mad...

Just stop talking to me, can't take you seriously with that nick anyway.
seeing that you already resorted to
Quotebraw you so mad...
while lacking an argument you seem to go for the su route. id say my work here is done.
While I agree that HoN is more difficult to play, I kinda prefer playing LoL at the moment. It is a casual game, and that's why most of us kinda like it I guess. Most of us play this game next to playing ET. And loads of my reallife friends started playing to because it's fairly easy to get into, which would be alot harder for hon. I kinda like both games though :P
couldnt agree more with you.
thats exactly the reason why i find it to be funny when LoL players rage at people calling their game comparably casual. If they like it cause its rather easy why not deal with it?
Towers are attacking you like they should, same with minions.
>faster-paced (casual), has more action(casual) and is more fun(for casuals)
>browses an ET community
what the fuck are you doing here
you are comparing apples and oranges.
and if you tried, ill try aswell: ET does not only offer fast paced stuff (having to shoot 3hs and so on) but also tactical consideration like no other game.
U MAD? lolz.
BTW is HoN on wcg? :>
BTW is ET on wcg? :>
LoL free -> large userbase -> main event#
So all HoN players are super high skilled compared to LoL? Shitty argument sir.
haha lol those were your words. where did is ay that? it seems you are expressing your own oppinion.
i said lol is free and therefore has a large userbase and that, together with the millions of money they spend on advertisement and placement, is the reason its at wcg.
and why would u even use the word "skill"? i mean how would you know what skill in HoN means?

image: IF-millions-play-LoL-how-come-all-cf-users-are-skilled-at-it

image: Im-sick-of-those-casuals-in-HoN-tell-me-about-it-i-play-lol-for-that-reason

image: 101st-LoL-played-already-pro

image: LOL-Y-U-NO-DENY
Do they pay you to talk shit about LoL?
Thats what you wrote before editing it, just simple logic sir.
And yes i played HoN with some guys that were quite skilled.
CF users being skilled at LoL is a joke and you dont even know what being skilled means in LoL so you better dont say anything bout it ;)
ofc i know what it means to be skilled as it is HoN light.
being skilled in LoL means to master 50% of what you need to master in HoN.

image: deal-with-it
Ofc, you dont know shit bout LoL ;)
Anyway why do you even bother to read LoL journals and commenting on them since you hate this game so much. You're kinda pathetic.
i dont hate the game at all. i save my hatred for things with influences on my life.
I came here to make true statements about LoL and see the nerds that cant deal with it rage.
Im having fun here mister
idd true statements they are, rofl.
pointless arguing with some who venerates HoN that much.
Actually i could just say that HoN is easier and requires less concentration cos there are no bushes so you cant ba ganked that easly.
find out what a rune is.
find out what a portalkey is.
find out what a long lane is.
find out what a TP is.
find out what a tower dive is.
Played DotA for a few years, no need to teach me.
wauw HoN has extra features, it MUST be the better game

ps about one of your previous arguments : there are nearly no skilled LoL players on crossfire,
not talking about "better" cause that is subjective.
it takes more to master it.
deal with it.
Sup Hiroshi? Keep on going the sand is not gonna rake itself.
Quotenot talking about "better" cause that is subjective.
it takes more to master it.
deal with it.
"CF users being skilled at LoL is a joke and you dont even know what being skilled means in LoL so you better dont say anything bout it ;) "

couldnt agree more
[ ] obv april fools are funny!
I think its going to be a double troll :XD

This spotlight is first and the second is that they will actually release Lee Sin, just normal kind of hero, not any op.
same thing was with urf last year, i still hope that some day urf will be released :<
he waas cool
urf stays in my heart forever
You can still find him in his grave? =O
i know but its not the same

urfm8 ;(
Warwick so mean :[
blurred at all times?

lawsuits incoming, fund my eyetests
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