ET on Steam

So I have been trying to search through some of the old forum posts, articles, news items and Google for anything related to the subject of trying to get ET re-released on Steam.

Search results came up with a bunch of unrelated posts and something about Frozz being below average at SC2 and FIFA.

Anyway some basic questions that spring to mind:

¬ How do you re-release a free game on Steam?
¬ Do we need to ask Splash Damage to make the application on our behalf?
¬ Being a free game, what would be in it for Steam?
i.e. How can they turn a free game into a profit?
¬ Can SLAC work in conjunction with Steam? (bit of a vague question, might already be possible)
¬ <reserved>

Some pros and cons:

¬ "Free marketing"
¬ Potential for Steam server browser integration
¬ Initial influx of new players (main question is how to keep them! tutorials etc)
¬ Centralised location of downloadable content (maps, gfx packs etc)
¬ <reserved>

¬ Existing players that do not like Steam (plenty of them!)
¬ Not all new players will like or want to play etpro (downloadable pack options? "etpro pack", "etpub pack" etc?)
¬ <reserved>

To finish
What other features do you think would be possible if ET was made available on Steam and is it a worthwhile idea?
I can't help you with this but I do agree with frozz being below average in general.
Pros : less cheaters, to muck risk.
Cons : don't like steam
i highly doubt that, if you think about it streams only watch the one guy ;)
I think steam would need to do some coding for it. Reason I think this is because when you load up steam games. You press shift and tab or something and it brings up ingame steam( bit like xfire but more advanced i would say) I would say for any steam game they would have to code this into ET itself.

Could be wrong. I personally dont like steam as most of the time its not working, updating etc. Call of duty 6 and blackops was a pain for a while thats why I dont play on them no more.

Slac would work with steam. if xfire does slac does. Would also need coding.

Maybe I am wrong but i think steam will have to do the application themselfs.
Shut up and start coding already
steam would have to do it
that could/should be a simple overlay + key hook
I dno man all I know is it will have to be done by steam. Thats all I was trying to point out.
steam would be silly if they had to change every little game they are distributing
saying that, when you hit add non steam game. It still shows overlay So Maybe no coding involved. But still steam sucks
good luck, nice idea!
steam is laggy, just like xfire
already tried , fail guarnteed
Is there any information on the previous attempt/effort to do this? Enemy Territory is not mentioned on the Steam forums at all, even in the suggested games section.
Was suggested a few years ago and it failed because of licences or something
Source code has since been released, would this change things? Or does it still sit with Splash Damage?

Apparently you have to pay.. maybe post again on SD forums and email Steam to find out exactly what is needed
Will bring more people into ET, that's sure.
Will also bring down your fps even more.
image: 3384%252520-%252520animated_gif%252520old%252520steam%252520update%252520valve
you wouldn't have to use to steam to play it.. would you.
Portal was free on Steam too :x
just for a short period
Valve Anti-Cheat aka VAC.Think about that first.
What about it? That wouldnt need to be used
it's shit anyway :P
It will never be integrated and good luck getting slac or punkbuster working (correctly)with steam also.
dunno why your telling me good luck but ok :\
punkbuster is used for all cod games on steam...same goes for farcry and some other games

steam does not change anything of the game itselfs, maybe a little change to automatically start steam when stating et buts thats it.
Yes and almost everyone gets kicked because of it. Black ops uses VAC now and even before this evenbalance's working relationship with Steam was pretty much nonexistent.
pb would still be the official anticheat, vac cannot into et
Pro: buddylist, noobs can add more noobs and get together to play vs more noobs
go for steam!
no thanks.
this game is like drölf years old now, what's the use in getting a few new players who play twice on jaymod then?
cba to use this shit tbh.
what about it?
its as old as et
cs is older
true but that doesn't really change my point
leave ET alone :O
it's OVER!
i'd rather listen to rebecca black for the rest of my life than to use steam for et.
Unfortunately you cant rescue a dying game.
Great idea!, steam lagg on your computer, really? bad point guys...
there is lots of free games featured in steam, the fact that they get more users is their pay in itself.
also, I dont think it would serve for any other purpose than avertising.
My guess is that Steam will turn around and say that you can enable anygame within Steam so go fuck yourself.

I'd hope to be wrong but thats kinda Steams general opinion :P
sounds about right
Please, go away!
You, as a simple user can't release shit on Steam. If you're a developer or publisher, you can get in touch with Valve and they'll go through their list of criterias. If you meet all of them your game eventually makes it onto the Steam platform.

"¬ Potential for Steam server browser integration"

This would require SD to implement the Steamworks API into the game and since i doubt they still care about putting additional effort into a game that they've already released the sourcecode for, i highly doubt this will happen.

"¬ Centralised location of downloadable content (maps, gfx packs etc)"

That's not what Steam is for. Only the actual game would be downloadable through Steam. Everything else would just work as it works right now, means, see for yourself where you get your maps and other shit from.
just remember that u can run W:ET the best game ever created on the fucking shittest cancer oldest pc

So if its added on steam and 5% of chineese nerd download it ET is saved :d
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