april foold

come on you freaks share your april fools with me!

i rang my brother telling him hes new clothes arrived, guess what they didnt mwahahaha then i called my best friend and told him i didnt have work so he could pop up mine, when he got to mine he quickly realised i did have a work he wasnt to impressed after walking all that way for fuck all but i creased up!
mad skills bro
Sick jokes bro.
jokes bro sick
I ran into my sisters room screaming telling her shes late for work at 6 am TROOLOL
MarseilleLaFrancis came in da place this moarning :{D
I bought fake hair (dunno this shit in english) + some makeup stuffs
some retards were like you'll never do that i was like
fake hair = wig
squirtle = pokemon
the difference is that I also knew that :)
ok excuse me good sir
thx for improving my engrish bro
i know people like you. fun to make them do things

big smiley face
whatever their reaction was I would have done it anyway since I find that kinda funny
and MarseilleLeFrancis likes funniez
thats the error in this. cl_shutdown "1"
Told my sister that the cat is dead at 3am and she went crazy, until she started to acting so crazy, I told her "h3h3 just kidding m8, goodnight" and closed the door.

I win :{D
i said i had finished my diploma essay. guess what, i hadn't.
April fooling yourself,

image: forever-alone-face
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