Le friday journal

Dear CF3.2 friends,
It's the 1st of april that's why I wanna offer you some image: dyn007_original_640_480_jpeg_2655433_f5c1f646e6d6d91396bb1d1d3de324cd
I hope you enjoyed april jokes today because I was really disappointed by CB and CF, always the same shit bunch of boring nerds... they'd better keep their hands away from their keyboard eheheheheh (inb4 u too)

Anyway, MarseilleLeFrancis is here to entertain you as always with some cool contents. The main reason that's making me write this journal is this cool ET comic strip including some of my well known drawing skills.
Le ET comics

From a true story...

image: comicz001

Advice of the day
"Cool story bro" is now replaced by "advice of the day" to make your real life better and today the first one comes from Germanynicon :
Quote by niconWhen there's a too difficult question in a test I write down "Not even bothered" GREAT SUCCESS

Quote of the week
From our beloved FinlandWny again :
Quote by Wny[15:46] * JarZa hugs Q
[15:46] <@JarZa> dont care about what they talk about you
[15:46] <@JarZa> im always here for you
[15:46] <@Wny> gay stuff
[15:47] <@Wny> showing love to a bot is botphilia

Random questions :

Stream or ettv?
Baguette or croissant?
Snails or frog legs?
Hottest girls live in...? (same question with boys for girls and gays)

Sexy chick :
.image: 000db6ff. is hidden somewhere.

This journal unfortunately comes to its end but MarseilleLeFrancis hopes to play against or with you (#follow.et) some mixes this weekend since I don't go out because I was @ party yesterday (LOLOLOL PARTY ON THURSDAY???? yeah friends, frenchies start partying on thursday that's why we so cool!) and 1 fuckin party /week is fucking enough.


#follow.et nerds (now sponsoring #biffle friends) and my +200 CF buddies :{D

Sincerely yours,


ps : Flame is tolerate as long as you don't autoflame yourself by being lame & boring eheheheh
tl;dr im nerding ET tonight :D

but hf LeFrancis whatever ur doing
You're first in my journal, you know what it means bruder.
It´s offical that im an ugly nerd now :{D ?
No, it officially makes you awesome.
Hello LeFrancis, i like your journal and i wish you nice weekend.

ps. i want to be your cf buddy
pss. nice comic
kiitos friend but you're already ma buddy
10/10 for the comic!
Since when is there a tank on Supply?
since when can't we change maps?????????
Quote30 secs later

Quick tankgrab.
ok you win sherlock

e : teh reason of my failure is that I wanted to draw a truck but it turned into a tank eheheheh
nerd writing et comic on friday..

image: b826d678-6f7a-4b2c-a34d-3355fbfac30e
nerdtez talkin about nerdz eheheheheheh good one
nice. cu on mix this weekend :D
JarZa nerd
im jelly for ppl who get to play with u
man francis mate. could u make ur drawings better to read? its half cut :X
what'cha mean bro?
i clicked ur story and the picture shows only half. I can read only till that "match" word :X
Must be your browser friend try to open http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/6476/comicz001.jpg

in a new window
k man thx :{D
ahha nice funny :D too bad ur gf called :(
not mine, wny's gf
my gf would never disturb me during gaming trainings
oh :P thats not important then haah :D
lol #biffle :D:D
Tonight I'm going to my gfs cabin for a keg party :) it's not even noon and I'm a little drunk. Have fun nerving tonight friend :)
eheheheh sounds awesome hf there
THATS ONE BIG MUSTACHE. sorry francis he own u :(
Thank you for your comic. Made me laugh.
always a pleasure kaveri
Where is teh awesum gurl?

e: .... lol
i searched for harder hiding places.. and then... so obvious -.-°

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