TLR mapping contest

image: blueprints

sup n3rds,

last 4 weeks remaining, right?

What do you think _how many_ maps will be submitted?
This new frostbite shit looks promising :D
I really dont care lol.. but I do know ur a fucking retard ossi h3h3h3 mad
heheh3hehe I luv you u :D
Both changes in frostbite are shit. The first stage is horrible for allies, this makes it even more annoying since axis can easily recap and its even harder to get from side for allies.
couldnt agree more with you sungi these changes have made a bad map horrible and almost unplayable
they cant even submit it since everything had to be started from stratch ;)
Maps are to be mainly outdoors, indoor objectives are allowed but must not be the main map section
it was never the intention to submit it to the mapcontes :D Just a shot to improve a not so much played map with potential.
I think there will be 3-4 good maps, depens on how many projects GermanyeiM will submit.
5 maps:

3 shit map
1 map will be= wtf is this?
1 good map ( will be played 1 or 2 months and then bb )

anyway which map its going to win .. it wont be played even 1 month .. coz the community doesnt like new maps but want so changes ! :D
didnt wants to change to 6on6 he


but "lan community" doesnt care ! :D
1 or 2
2 proper and few "well thats fucked up maps"
where can I play new frostbite?
Wasn't the rules in the contest that you couldnt use something already existing?
if all mappers I talked to make it in time I think we can expect maps from:
Germany eiM
United Kingdom h20xyg3n
United Kingdom Chris
and a few others I can not recall atm

considered to enter with two but lacked time unfortunately
show a preview of ur map :-)
dont know if I am allowed ;)
They will never know if you send me a PM or query me in irc :>
You sure about h20xyg3n?

Quote by h20xyg3nprolly wont participate, weird rule about old projects.. good project incentive none the less.

Also, Here Chris asks if he can enter with already started map, and only gets answers saying it's allowed. If he enters with that one he gets banned :":DDDD""

epic rules are epic.
yea I thought so too, yet some weeks ago I read a comment of him on SD forums or on IRC or somewhere saying he is entering with a map.

Also rules make sense, you shouldnt be allowed to enter with a map that has already been published to ~50 ppl or more.
Doesn't matter if no one has seen the map, if you started doing it before the announcement you can't enter with it because it would give you a head start.
I've said ~50 ppl or more for a reason as I know for example the map he was talking about and so do alot others ;) It was probably 40% done 1-2 years ago.
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