SLAC reliability

hello dear crossfire.
I dont often check this site anymore, but I was wondering this:

Lately I notice that the amount of cheaters is increasing again. Is slac outdated already? :(

more slac journals
No, all low cheaters got bustes, theres only few with undetected multihacks: phyzik, shitbox, crod and few others.
I see you are troll with some achievements, but thats quite too hard mate. Even worst than mine, ouch.
im like a king but dont rule a thing
Theres differences between those cheaters - other values. Also, this icelandfag have some jumpbot.

Jumping link rat on nigger large bowel.
idk it seems pretty dark outside
Australia is solution for you, at least for another 12 hours. You should start to run already.
oh i see, ur going for the make up sex, not gonna happen, move out and never come back, orelse il tell ur mother that u cheated on me with my dog.
slac doesnt prevent directly, unlike pb
in other words, its easy to cheat, but you will most likely not get away with it, unlike pb
ok, thanks for reply! :)

Guess there's a lot of people like me who only play random 3v3s with friends, without having touch with the scene, let stand care for competition/official things.

SLAC should have ingame kick :(
no it shouldnt, this way, chalpja can bust the big private cheat users
That ain't helping people like me?
Although on second thought that is better for the competetive scene I guess.
It does, over time.
i havent seen any for half a year now
Pretty sure a lot of people have stopped cheating now compared to before slac, at least don't see a lot of people on a slac server cheating (noticeably, due to the amount of shit players :D)
used to go on BIO and everyone was tripling now you go their and theirs a bunch of lows. Slac ftw
If you're having ET problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but SLAC ain't one.
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