Gratz Cypher!

Amazing plasma... Great lan for cypher, he was on fire whole tournament :-)

Is rapha's reign over? :>
the importance of that lan is certainly pretty small.
This time cypher won, next time rapha is likely to win again.

unfortunatley the tournament was overall pretty boring except from Spartie vs Fazz :(
ye its normal that rapha prefers to take only 1600$ instead of 3100...
no offense, but do you even think for one second, before replying?
cant spot the point of your reply, sry.
it was as important as any other... there were moneyzzz to win... lol
3k money is not that much for quake.
Though for a new event like UGC its kinda okay although it seems that orga have completely failed at this tourney.

but just to give you an idea: rapha has made tournament winnings worth more than 60000$ and hardware winnings worth another couple of thousand $ in the last 3 years, so either 1k or 3k is not that important for him...
hes also not that kind of guy who keeps doing this just for the money..
regim? reign you mean? :D
its not raining u dumbfuck!
check the journal I made for you guys please
I have been playing so wrong all the time

Is the game really that much about camping and waiting ;l
When it comes to professional gaming it is pretty much.
yeah, that is killcount games.
same, I'm to used to the aggresive style of ET
et and agressive in one sentance does not compute...
well, atleast my playstyle in ET is one hell of a lot more aggresive than what would be the optimal playstyle in QL
if u would be able to time at least 3 items at once, u could play as much agressive as u want
hmmf, seems like I've got a lot to learn. I'm utter shit a duels, just running around like a headless chicken
if u want we can play from time to time, can give u some tips :D

however dunz would be better teacher
played once against dunZ if I'm right, campgrounds
He was the one who told me to start timing things. Stopped playing QL for some time then, altho now I'm trying to learn to duel properly. Just got an 9-1 loss on campgrounds, after 5 kills I had no id what I was doing :D
dm6 is hard to make a comeback cause rail is hard to get and theres only one YA
Well, I believe that when I'm watching replays, I don't focus enough on the playstyle of the player. I simply listen to the shoutcast & look at their impressive aim.
watchin demos is overrated...

i mean, its important at highest level, when one bad decision can make u lose... but for 90% of quakers its not as important as pure gamesens, which u gain by playin
ah, well, quite frustating to get powned to death :D Seems like I'll have to live with it and keep trying.
replay somewhere?
prolly later @ own3d
[19:33:05] [@Carlos] sounds like you have a mancrush on strenx
[19:33:32] [@ozymandiass]
[19:33:36] [@ozymandiass] <3
[19:33:58] [@Carlos] ozymandiass
[19:34:00] [@Carlos] are you joking
[19:34:05] [@Carlos] he looks more gay than stermy
[19:34:09] [@Carlos] what the fuck
[19:34:19] [@ozymandiass] hes awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[19:34:33] [@ozymandiass] srsly, if i could i would blow him
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