network monitoring | stats gathering

As my isp gave me 50gb of limit per month im looking after some kind of program which gonna be able to give me infos how much i downloaded already.
It should download stats from whole network [except my pc i have 4 other connected to router] So far i wasnt able 2 find anything usefull and stats from router are killed after reboot.

It can be server<->client version

Any help?
50 GB :S , here in malta i have only 7 :( ..
with 6mbit conn it goes faster than you can imagine
i can imagine :S
4mbit, 8gb :(

what about netlimiter?
6mbit is not really a lot

and I'm from britain

and we have shit internet

but 6mbit is not alot
15/months here but as u pay every 2 months, u can spend 25 at month 1 and 5 at month 2, but still it totaly suck.
So the isp in belgium should be shot for making us pay 1 € / gb after the limit is gone :x
i need it too
i got no limite @ nacional/international downloads xD
me @ 125 kb/sec download and no month limit wee
did you send that antivir nocti? :(
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

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hmm ill just add u at msn =)
DU Meter.

There are many reasons why you might want to monitor your network activity. Watching your data transfer rates can be very enlightening as you download a web page, email, or a software application. This will give you a much better idea of how long the operation will take. It will also let you know how efficient your Internet connection is. And it can alert you of dangerous or unexpected network activity.

If you are trying to improve your performance over the Internet and you are going to spend some time optimizing your configuration for maximum download speeds, it's critical that you accurately monitor your download speeds or data transfer rates so you can compare them at various settings.
but does it monitor all network activity or just the u/dl of pc where its installed ?
All network activity I think. So upload+ download. Really like this program.
unlimited over here :)
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