Chilipoop is the burn

Hello all so today I can no practice my sport cuz I having the burn and you have this diarrarea....Dualinity I talk to on this and he says he get same when he eat the chilli but we both say "but not all the family and friend get the chillipoop when eat chilli" so now I want to know how many get it? For people who get it...describe how is it feel for you and if you start sweat on ass when poop it.

Random piceture:[image][image]
Random joke: Is she HOT? (chili is hot, and you say same on girl when she beautiful :)
only time when i get it is when i eat hot wings from kfc, nothing else
maybe other in your family or friends DONT have from kfc hotwing or maybe they HAVE frmo other stuff but no u?
Parent eat with friend or re-act different on the chili? One has the burn and other has no the burn
no when i eat with my mates at kfc we all take a shit at around the same time (strangely its true :D) and we all have the burning sensation (we text it to each other)

E: we also take pic of our shit and text that just for fun :D
sometimes ive got it after a big party ;(
is vodka poop or chilipoop?
vodka poop ye , its awful
i get it from eating mexicano

image: mexicano

very goot but ass on fire when you have to shit
i eat with dual in holland that is mY FAVORITE
bicky rib burger is mexicano on a burger with special sauce, its even more pewpew in the arse

try that in holland
mabi I will :D I WILL hahaha
MEXICANO PINDA <33333333333333333333
dat is dan weer verneuken :PPPP
Why nobody laugh at joke yet?
hahahahahaahaha awesome joke :D:D:D:d:d:D/D/D/d/D:;d
dont combine spicey food with acohol, that kills.
all you can do is practise. your mouth will be able to take pretty much anything you eat in a matter of only weeks but in order for your butt to get used to it it will take a lot longer.

also image: 8451668210721472 and any painkiller you can find
You are good experience for this jounral thank you! What food is your worse?
i practise using different kinds of sambal
Man :D is it not hard? you go work with chilipoop?
well there is actually different kinds to spiceness with different tastes.
its not like you can go and eat any dish on any menue you find. as i am quite interested in food i try as much as possible and atm i am working on my resistance to chilli peppers.
I guess this journal needs more catalan flags :)
hey how are you!?!?!?!
not good i miss MMA practice cuz i have chilipoops you?
Im palyin 5o5 ET. wery much fun eh??

GL with your chillipoops :s
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