What is it?! ..

so SL.et called it a day or what happenend???

i see blade being with oxid, kresti with rockit .. gifty and snoop lost.
duke without SL infront of his nick .. what happened????
realize changed his senstivity
seems to be dead :o
They split up.

Wondering whats gonna happen with slac now SL is without an ET team.. He will steal all our moneys ;)
slac is also the anticheat of some other games afaik, so i dont think they'd drop it.
afaik its in developement for other games, but no versions yet.. I could be wrong tho.
I heard they did not extend the contract with chapjla. Afaik he is not getting paid by them anymore.He said he will continue updating and he'll try to make SLAC run on other games (what might get him some money :D).
I have no idea what that means for security issues :D I mean if there isn't a contract anymore he could just include a Trojan or some other shit in the next update :D
But I trust the guy,coz my bank accounts are empty anyway and I still need to format :D
sounds awesome.
Kresti already left a while ago and the sl line-up after kresti called it a day, dunno why
slac is outdated :)
someone was a little avaricious
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