polish pwnage

polish own on lan, rest of the europe must be laggers!

Laggers are just LAN only
Go play on usa servers all the time with 200 ping and then you will pwn in europe rly!!!!!!1
Does MiBR ever play online ? Maybe, but nowhere outside Brazil or South America so they dont lag at all, anyway, they all come from same city, so they're practicing mostly at LAN
nice play from the Polish side :-)
zP lost against FF?
someone explain me what happened please?
Seems that lagging isnt such a big advantage after all. Without it teams perform better and true skill reveals.
true, i hate playing with 200 ping because of my brother playing cs or wc^^ did never see any big "advantage" there :P
zp got owned :o
cdap got owned aswell =D

i wont say that
i missed every game of zp -.-
hoped to see them @ finals "at least"... :(
small final max
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