Swanidius weird SLACshot



image: 00000287-1302105584-4135469077

[19:03] <@Swanidius> Ei oo mun kuva! = it's not my picture
[19:03] <@Vanhaomena> mitä toi 00000287 sit meinaa = what does the 287 mean then
[19:04] <@Vanhaomena> SLAC User Profile - Swanidius (00000287)
[19:04] <@Swanidius> gg

[19:19] <@Vanhaomena> onks tää kuva siis otettu tilanteessa missä sv_cheats = 1? = is this shot recorded in a situation where sv_cheats = 1?
[19:20] <@Swanidius> Ei = no

Based on his answers, it seems that Finland Swanidius has used a disallowed external program with SLAC. r_shownormals is locked to 0, unless the sv_cheats command is enabled, and he said it wasn't. Therefore he has to have used a software that either mimics the effects of r_shownormals, or unlocks CVARs.
What do you think about this?
I think troll
spec ettv with shownormal 1? :l
I think so too
a new slac-screenshot excuse is born
can u turn on shownormals while having slac enabled?

and on ettv, can u turn it on? :o
Yes you can :P
he got no hud no clock no fps nothing

just another troll
why playing with that? almost impossible. if not impossible, hard and uncomfortable
coz he knows everything. how many hp he has and where everyone is :DD
Probably speccing on ettv
its defi not a fake one, found it when i browsed around on his slac account
his slac account: http://sl-anticheat.com/profile.php?id=287
last one on his slac profile

thats all im gonna say
this at the stone?


e: looks really strange... what is this?
looks like mp40..
sigh.. theres already new shots obviously
what miNd said
watch ettv with r_shownormals + cg_draw2d 0
so if ou claim you did that but you were actually on a server with sv_cheats 1 and r_shownormals 1 and cg_draw2d you cant get banned? :D
i can get full hp with 1 medick pack, look at my pack size :
image: 00000013-1301776585-3906152098
i can blow your head off with 1 bullet, look at my gun size
image: 00001885-1301342627-3308620233
s1LENT shared his hax knewed it.
image: 00000052-1301700352-3694091252

IceQ playing et_ice without snow OMG!
got the same one.. but it was only once :(
eSports scandal
Swanidius is just a good player and some stupid fag is trying to bust him :< because he's jelly that he isn't that good as Swanidius ... poor guy
thought slac blocked r_shownormals being set to 1...
no, slac blocks sv_cheats ;)
no, slac addons (serverside) blocks sv_cheats ;)
antoher trap.
was a funny 3on3 :o)

how the fuck they cant see smth obvious with that :D they didnt even complain ( was searching med+ 3on3 :s )
probably playing on pub server and died and specing an afk player? or some one just joined and he had full so it shows he had 0xp

oh wow :o)
excuse me, wat?
the first screen was taken at the warmup, 2nd screen: 2min left.. (3on3 "med+" irc ) o:
was using ingame cheats, see 1st screen :p
swani näkee seinien läpi :D
paint skill
knew it, too obvious ban ty.
seriously, when will you admins ban this cheating faggot
after failing to get into EC 10 times swani finally broke down and gave up
watching ettv / demos ... whatever...
Maybe ettv, demo, a config with sv_cheats 1 and no slac server tool (tj config),...
you cant check demos with slac...
Thats a mp40... a gun

so failllllllll
nice config
Like we care, he's low+ max, even if he cheats.
after failing to get into EC 100 times swani finally broke down and gave up
you finaly gave up swani?i understand failing like 9times to get into EC may be hard,i could of turned out like that as well
You are 5 days late with your troll
seems to work most of the ppl
vid_restart bug
slac+ettv+shownormals 1 = is cheat protected :O)
wtf this shit. waste of time.
cant be ettv. No names :O
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