headphones journal #23123

Heya buddies!

Going to buy some headphones, price can be anything upto £150, probably prefer ~£100.

Need them primarily for music (don't want to bowl around with a pair of razors on my head), but will be using them when gaming.



some random sennheiser
feed me remix of guilt is quite good
Mayni's Weekend Party Fund would gladly have the money.
sennheiser hd 555/595
Those are the Studios, €300,-

The Beats by Dre are €175 :)
got sennheiser hd555 and theyre really awesome
got sennheiser hd555 about a month ago, and they're really awesome

that wasn't mean as a reply, but ok
pc350 or Steelseries serbia v2 ( serbia v2 is good for music nice bass and stuff ,also good for gaming price 80e)
Quote by im a treeaudio technica adX00 series
sennheiser HDxxx series
beyerdynamic DT series
AKG Kxxx series
denon maybe
some sony MDR series

but for the love of christ don't buy audio products of the likes of steelseries or fatality or speedlink or any shit marketed for "gaming"

check (url) [www.head-fi.org] for comparisons/reviews etc, i wouldn't buy a set of cans without first searching that site
for sony mdr only!!! studio series not dj ones
Got a HD 408 Sennheiser here, for only 40 € it's quite cheap and sound quality is amazing (has bass amplifiers as well)
£10 Panasonic from Argos. Work fine for music and gaming.

The best headphone I had were some Labtec ones. They cost like £10 also, and they were amazing. I've had Seinheisers or w/e they're called, they didn't compare to them for gaming.

Would let me hear so far across the map. I recall it being useful on Oasis :P.

image: 21dNrNLFHjL._SL500_AA300_
ad700s would be sick for you except they aren't that "cool" for being out and about it, though to be fair i wouldnt walk around in the streets with £100 headphones to begin with

and be aware that you'll probably be getting open headphones (best value/money, better general sound) which leak a lot of sound to those around you
You want some Dre Beats mate, my best mate got some for his birthday and omfg they are SO GOOD
they're pretty good tbh, but u pay alot for the brand :D
Well they aren't
QuoteMy friend owns a pair of the studios, noise isolation is excellent, comfort IMO is horrible. The ear cups are tiny, I don't have large ears or anything, but it felt really awkward to me. My friend said that they sounded really clear, which after listening to them was hogwash to me. I used my Nexus One to listen to them with flac files, I listened to a couple of rock songs, they didn't wow me or anything, bass was alright, but it was far from clear. Sounded like my Nuforce NE-7M, and overall they reminded me of the Nuforce.

Quality wise I didn't think that they felt like $300 headphones, especially in comparison to my DT 990/600, the synthetic earpads felt cheap, and overall it didn't feel sturdy. There are much better headphones out there for less, if you want to look ridiculous with headphones on get the new Q701's.

they aren't "bad" but they are also not worth the money at all

even if you were buying them half price you would still be able to get better value for money from beyerdynamic, akg, audio technica amongst many others
I want to buy the studios, but every1 says Im a retard if I do :D
Well my mate has a set and imo they are fucking awesome, but I guess it's just opinions! :)
well you are, because if you have that much money to spend on headphones you could get a really sick setup instead of average headphones that are ridiculously overpriced and offer terrible value for money
image: 69_pioneer_se-mj5-om

- Frequency response: 5Hz ~ 28kHz
- Nominal impedance: 32Ω
- Sensitivity: 105dB/mW
ask Suiy
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