
1. How many friends you have in your buddylist?
2. How often you make status-updates? About what subjects?
3. Do you have friends who you dont ever talk to or have absolutely nothing in common with? Why are you keeping them? Do you feel more of a successful person because of big friendlist? (A bit provocative question, sorry)
4. What kind of updates you hate? :D
5. Have you given up using other instant message -programs like Messenger because of Facebook?
6. How often you log in?

My answers:

1. 143
2. 0-3 times a week, but I like to post Youtube-links and such more often.
3. I used to have lots of them (eg. old army-friends, some schoolfriends you havent talked to since you finished the school). I still have some I dont talk to but I still dont want to delete them for some reason (Really good friends from childhood for example, people who always have a place in your heart)
4. Everything goes, but constantly telling how you work out, drink, clean up the shit your baby just did, is just plain annoying.
5. I dont use Messenger anymore. FB-chat is buggy but will do.
6. Many, many times a day.

Oldschool-gayming youtube-link:

not rly using it.made account and maybe browsing 1 time/month , or even less
2.not often, twice a week perhaps?
4.can't think of anything, perhaps when people describe what they eat
5.no, using msn
Im too ashamed to tell anyone about my monster-meals ;__;
on a sidenote, i'm closing in on 90kg, feels kinda badman
Im closing in on heart attack soon I guess
rip slarto
how much do u weight?
mostly about nba or how something annoys me and youtube links spam
yes, maybe i will need them someday :P
4. last one: Bulls vs Celtics tomorrow, battle for the East
5. fb bug chat
what you post about nba?
bulls are playing the celtics tomorrow
edited XD
2.Only important and things actually care about
3. A few like everyone
5.People who comment every second of their life
5. Used to use msn alot, stopped now
6. Few times a day
5 times max ever since i joined
yes, because i like spying on people, no
most of them
few times per day
1. 359
2. once or twice a week, sometimes more.
3. yeh
4. some teasing inside jokes, to show other people that they are cool people
5. i still use msn, but some of my friends use fb chat. So i have to use it also sometimes.
1. 275
2. ~1 per week
3. Yes, quite many =/ never arsed to clean my friendlist from people i dont talk to
4. All those chain messages, and all people who posts ~20 updates per day wich are like "hm, maybe i should make some coffee"
5. Yeah, i rarely log on msn nowadays. Used to be on all the time before fb
6. Logged in everytime in on pc/school
1. 84
2. 2-3 times in month
3. some of them yes
5. no
6. almost everytime when im going to internet
1. Around 300
2. Rarely
3. Yeah maybe 50 or so dno
4. Ppl who write one word txt to just get attention (eg fuck, :(, grrr)
5. Yes msn is dead due to fb now
6. Not much since mozilla remembers my pw. Trolld no like 5 times to check updates

+ i think you get to know more ppl thx to fb, dont know if thzas a good thing always
1 Friends (760)
2 When Benfica plays or so
3 Yes, cba to delete them. No, just no. its just not real life who cares :P
5 No :P
6 I just let it open, it refreshes automatically so i check whenever i have something to see

btw n1 slarto :)
Nice what? o_O The vid? :P
I dont give a fuck actually
1. 217
2. 2-3 per week, mostly about funny pics or music
3. nope, except some inet m8s
4. when ppl whine
5. never used them, except xfire/mirc
6. daily
1. How many friends you have in your buddylist?
2. How often you make status-updates? About what subjects?
3. Do you have friends who you dont ever talk to or have absolutely nothing in common with? Why are you keeping them? Do you feel more of a successful person because of big friendlist? (A bit provocative question, sorry)
4. What kind of updates you hate? :D
5. Have you given up using other instant message -programs like Messenger because of Facebook?
6. How often you log in?

2.i guess like 5 times per week
3. Yeah I do. I keep them because I used to get along with them and their status's and links are sometimes interesting
4.I dont hate any updates, I usually spam them and troll them :D
5. No. I dont like FB chat. MSN all the way baby
6. 30 times :D ?
1. 50
2. havnt done that a single time yet!
3. nah all the people are old classmates or classmates atm or ETplayers! or family
4. idk
5. never really used msn etc anyway
6. buh 3 times a month?
Lol same..:)
1. How many friends you have in your buddylist?

2. How often you make status-updates? About what subjects?
Once a month max.

3. Do you have friends who you dont ever talk to or have absolutely nothing in common with? Why are you keeping them?)
They added me, so I accepted.

Do you feel more of a successful person because of big friendlist? (A bit provocative question, sorry)

4. What kind of updates you hate? :D
Some new stuff that has been going on (at least for Finnish people): If X doesn't reply this in Y minutes, he/she has to do Z.
Also some chain like-ing of stupid like-sites.

5. Have you given up using other instant message -programs like Messenger because of Facebook?
Rarely, only when I need to talk with someone with no MSN.

6. How often you log in?
yeah. HAve couple of finnish friends @ FB. Come on. Your boyfriend has to like this etc.

gief ur account i add buddiez
Sander Pukk
1. 100
2. maybe once a week
3. No because I don't randomly add people that I only talked once. Also I delete old friends.
4. Whining updates. You ask what's up and they don't want to tell then. So I ask why the hell do they post it then?
5. icq because of russian spam bots xD
6. 1 time a day or if I get messages.
1. 403
2. once a week max. About smth funny or i dunno.
3. ye, sure. Ofcourse there are people i never talk to but most of them are people i knew/live too far away from to be (good) friends.
4. I don't really hate updates, i dislike invites more + tagged photos.
5. Ye, i don't use msn anymore.
6. daily.
+60000 to the invites.

all kind of shit games and fucking retarded partys 100 per day

1. 785
2. Average 1 a day - sometimes none (if there's football on, usually more)
3. Yeah obviously, but sometimes friends of friends can help you with stuff (like getting someone's number or finding out some info, ..)
4. people uploading photos saying they look ugly? ;D (why upload attention-whore!)
5. Yep, I don't use MSN anymore because i cba to log in & actually adding addresses
6. Few times a day unless I'm busy

1. How many friends you have in your buddylist?
~170 or smth

2. How often you make status-updates? About what subjects?
not often.. when i´m rly happy or smth funny/bad happend. 1-2 per month

3. Do you have friends who you dont ever talk to or have absolutely nothing in common with?
not really.. maybe some hot girls i added or got added by them.

4. What kind of updates you hate? :D
When they tell you about every random shit which no one cares about.

5. Have you given up using other instant message -programs like Messenger because of Facebook?

6. How often you log in?
never.. auto-login/cookies ftw !
if refreshing/checking the page is meant: 10-20 times a day? whenever i´m bored
1. 122
2. few times a month. funny stuff, music, sports I guess. the main reason I use it, is because it is faster/easier than e-mail and to get informations from favourite artists
3. actually quite a lot i rarely talk to or see, didnt confirm requests of ones I don't like or have nothing in common. Keeping them, because there was a better contact in the past I guess..dno
4. attentionwhoring updates, uninteresting ones, those who do several updates a day
5. no, usually I use the phone anyways, and for chatting I prefer messengers..
6. pretty much daily
1. 231
2. Not really often, some shit instead of any real updates, trolling mostly.
3. Not really
4. shitty ones that noone gives a fuck.
5. Yes, i dont use msn anymore rly, neverreally neither did.
6. daily multiple times
no friends = no msn

only irc with e-friends
None of my friends uses msn or barely any pc's
1. 353
2. rarely, and only youtube links
3. if i've never met with him/her then i don't him/her then i don't add him/her, but if anyone adds me, then i accept it.
never cared about how much friends i've got on facebook, but if i have more, then i can read more stuff.
4. all
5. yeah, ssame site like facebook, but only for hungarians
6. everytime i'm at pc
1. 30ish? cant remember
2. never
3. everyone
4. nothing
5. no
6. logged in today to find NHL related page but usually it can be weeks or months
1. 278
2. Once a day, sometimes 2, rarely ever more. About pretty much anything, sometimes just whats on my mind.
3. They added me or something, and I'm to lazy to go delete people? I don't really care
4. Tons of game spam
5. No because I hated AIM until I learned about Pidgin etc. and then everyone was just texting or using facebook chat lol
6. 24/7
1. 0
2. never
3. no
4. dunno
5. no
6. never
1. 257
2. Depends, usually a few per week, occasionally more if I'm on a link posting rampage. About things happening in my life, thoughts inside my head, Christianity and stuff around it, and music ofc.
3. I think I have some common with all of them, got a few ones who I don't really know personally.
4. Chain letters and such.
5. Nope. FB-chat is buggy and will do only on extreme situations.
6. Depends. From 0 to a few times a day.
hi2u slartom8

1. 90. max i had was around 150 maybe
2. once or twice a week, generally about real life, a bit of game or funny stuff.
3. I tend to remove every useless friend in my list (if i feel i won't talk to them again etc)
4. I hate facebook games updates, and don't really like when people post 15 updates a day. quality isn't quantity.
5. nope. I still use irc and msn
6. I keep an open tab along with my mail, irc and messenger tabs. But i filtered my friends into different lists so that not everyone sees i'm a nerd :)::) fb open 24/7 (:
Hi douille :)

Maybe add me as a friend? :3
are you my friend ? :s
1. 607
2. 1-3 a week or so, about politics
3. Because I cba to delete friends, and loads of them are politicians.
4. Every random update about what someones doing at all times, as if I care at all..
5. Nope.
6. I'm logged in all the time, its just a habit.
i dont use facebook since im not a faggot
Good argument.
1. 264
2. Tuesday nights, when I'm drank.
3. I have a few, but I know everyone and talk to all of them (outside of facebook).
4. memes
5. Gave up using MSN and such before Facebook even became popular, I used my phone mostly to contact people
6. Everyday : (
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