Matias replacing mystic permanently?!

Heard rumours that Matias is going to be replacing mystic OMG.

mystic was matias all along, it was a troll
Well mystic is good but Matias is the best Finnish player ever

Edit: And what Roach said
kentsu is the best finnish player ever
imma let you finish
He just forgot how shit ET is these days and decided to quit again.
Finland Matias is my favourite anyway so if he wants to play Finland mystic should gtfo.
R0SS is ugly backstabber, that's just it
If that happens TLR will win the LAN.
matiiii :)
I like mystic, but I also like matias, but which ones better? There's only one way to find out, FIGHT!
lol! i heard about this like 6 weeks ago, way before artstar
shut up german fag
nice one :-P
matias is more fit than mystic to replace sqzz.
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