What a fail.

Finland tA mad because Belgium bF did pause at crane because one went 999 and because admin said to replay map, they thought they would be cool and take in olbaa and squall and roll nerds?

And they still lost :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Only a Finland Fin

image: loser
lol kick them out of oc cb or something, if you gona play like that you dont belong in any league
olbaa lost on purpose :/

kinda dicknitas for swani...
(01:03:25) (@dignitas\olBaa) ei mua niin kiinnosta:D
(01:03:32) (@dignitas\olBaa) ei Swanidius kuulu ees EC:hen
(01:06:51) (@dignitas\olBaa) mun vika
(01:07:12) (@dignitas\olBaa) mut rehellisesti jos sanon ni voin sanoo etten halunnu että swani pääsee EC:hen

cruel olbam8 :(
(01:03:25) (@dignitas\olBaa) I'm not really interested :D
(01:03:32) (@dignitas\olBaa) Swanidius doesn't even belong in EC
(01:06:51) (@dignitas\olBaa) my fault
(01:07:12) (@dignitas\olBaa) but if I say honestly, I didn't want that swani gets in EC
thought all the finish skilled or atleast somewhat skilled (tA, krp) liked eachother, fucked each othere etc etc.
The Finland Finnish scene has always been and always will be based on hate, jealousy and flame. For a Finnish player ET matches are not played 5on5, they're played 1on9.
Faggots do that every year
Haha :D you called em faggots
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