What a fail.
7 Apr 2011, 04:19
tA mad because bF did pause at crane because one went 999 and because admin said to replay map, they thought they would be cool and take in olbaa and squall and roll nerds?
And they still lost :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Only a Fin
And they still lost :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Only a Fin
kinda dicknitas for swani...
(01:03:32) (@dignitas\olBaa) ei Swanidius kuulu ees EC:hen
(01:06:51) (@dignitas\olBaa) mun vika
(01:07:12) (@dignitas\olBaa) mut rehellisesti jos sanon ni voin sanoo etten halunnu että swani pääsee EC:hen
cruel olbam8 :(
(01:03:32) (@dignitas\olBaa) Swanidius doesn't even belong in EC
(01:06:51) (@dignitas\olBaa) my fault
(01:07:12) (@dignitas\olBaa) but if I say honestly, I didn't want that swani gets in EC