autocheck search cats

if i want to search something i dont want to check all the boxes, just make them checked by default or add a "check all" thingy.

It would also be interesting to know how the scoring system works. For example, if I search for user "foonr", this is the result.

Score Username
955 Qyz
757.2 foonr
632.4 fzzznrer

I know Qyz has "foonr" in his profile, but I suppose the exact hit on the username should grant a higher score.


Never mind.

Score Username
1797 Frop
943.3 Qyz
747.9 foonr
something like the more instances of the word foonr = higher score, so just past it like 400 times ;x
ah nvm I see that's what you did \o/
I found a better bug in search. It seems to search restricted forums...
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