Dear community, help!

I'm not sure how long this has been a problem, or if someone already posted on this matter. I hope there's a solution for my problem and that you are the ones that will provide it.

My problem is that I can't take in-game screenshots =(, or to be more specific, I can take screenshots but they turn out either entirely grey or entirely black.

I got windows 7 x64 installed, got a ATI HD4850 gpu.

Any help will be appreciated and the same goes for useless jibberish =)

image: miranda-kerr
take off your screenshot blocker from your hax
yea, got the same problem, i guess it has something to do with vid_restart possibly
u just do it with printscreen?
ive never had problem when i use /screenshotJPEG
interesting, I'm not familiar with that command. So, I just write "/screenshotJPEG" in the console?

EDIT: Testing right now
That actually worked! Thx man! but, I dont want the console to show =( (could get busted if it shows)
bind x "screenshotJPEG"
already thought of that, but thx anyway!

EDIT: Reward; image: Secy-Contest-sexy-girls-women-contest-bikini-ass-culo-ASSSSSSS-Perfect-body-babes-keiths-pics-good-artluckart-Luv-of-Women-deano1-meny-hot-Teds2-s-hot-girls-bottom-butt-nice-S2-PAUL-MCQUEEN-ALBUM-My-Fav-Hot-Girls_large
Ok, I assigned a bind to do the screenshots for me! Thx applesauce! Have a great day!

Here's your reward; image: belarus20
Go thank Francis maybe?
/screenshotJPEG or put ET on smallscreen & prnt scrn :P
you just want me to give you a reward =)

EDIT: image: man-boobs
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