ping question

question to players who are able to play with ping "48" (quotation marks because ET never shows your real ping ingame)

i saw great example of 48 ping hero (long, long time ago) - gr0ss, he had days when his ping was 50-51 (not stable 48, wtf!) and he was performing so bad
so question - really ping affect your game? its kinda joke when i see whine about servers, that ping isnt 48. ET has so shit netcode, like i said it doesnt even show your real ping to server.

same goes to quake players (hi greziek! :S), i pref you to watch killsen vs kook (aka pavel_) where 120 ping owns 16

waiting for answers, also requesting pool about it.

image: equitation-polo-sport-joueur-hippodrome-875273
Got around 50-70 everywhere, cant tell the difference when playing. Maybe thats why I get owned all the time?
same there :D can only get 48 on polish servers (inb4 shit inet whine)
Few days ago I played z3ro in Quake and he was enraged that I had 44-48 ping on a Polish server. he was like "how the fuck can you have 50 ping with a Polish inet provider on a Polish server" and "you warp all over the place". I'm not sure, but I think that the latter applies only to him, because I - with my stable 125 fps, 125 packets, max rate etc. etc. - played against so many people and really never has anyone complained.

btw. Vectra 24 Mbit - totally unrelated to ping, but at least my bandwidth is decent.
the ping is important imo. when i play with around 90 because my inet is shit i feel slower in game.

when i play with 50 its smoother

whats the question??!
just i wanted to see opinion by other players, how they feel playing etc and thanks for this reply, since its kinda interesting ;)
omg must be hax for sure... :) sup mister??!?!
hahahah looks like someone from my work :PPP

feierabend jetzte :))))))))
judging by the rate of replies you manage to write while at work I can guess who it is ":D"

enjoy da feier in ze abend :>
saskia !!!!!!!!!!!!

gute morgen
cohen still alive? :)

hope all well? lunch time alrdy here!
13/4 im finishing my officer course and get my rank ! :D
im very loved by my soldiers :~>
image: 399px-gay_couple_from_back_hand_holding_on_csd_2006_berlin_-_make_love_not_war

sup man :D?
not in that way :{
killed anyone yet :D?
shit man, don't get too addicted to the adrenalin :(
the adrenaline is addicted to me :~>
only jaymod show your real ping, etpro mod fact right a balance for those which have good and less good connection.
I don't notice any difference between 48 and 90 tbh - the difference comes when I counter ~150 ping.
Try playing with 400 ping. Really easy, no1 can hit me and i can hit every1 :|
I'm awesome whatever my ping is.
You should ask freeze.
cause it freezes sometimes?!
I have 48 ping mostly except for UK servers, 55-60 ping there and its f-ing unplayable. Dunno what is causing that 10 ping difference can make it so bad, but hits are getting registered like with ping 500 (late hitsound), hitbox is floating all over the place and I cant even move properly there (whole game is choppy). I experienced ping 148/98 few times, even 80 ping on TAG server is ok for me, everything is smooth and hitboxes are predictable, but pings of 60 on UK servers are killers... But it doesnt have to be caused by ping itself (its still fairly low), could be some routing issues (packet loss) tho
at least im not the only one who has that problem with 50-60 area being absolutely unplayable, although its from 54-75 which feels like im shooting ghosts :|
In ET everything under 100 is fine and practically the same.

The ones who complain about it just have a placebo effect and try to blame their game on the ping.

Anti-lag nullifies the differences very well under 100. So dont talk that 55-60 is shit or unplayable
if you can actually back that up and say what i get is just "placebo" when theres a huuuuge difference in what im hitting... could i possibly blame the server instead then? xD
I didnt say that ping 55-60 is unplayable, I said its unplayable on UK servers for me, u have no idea how whole game feels there, so dont talk bullshit. to me uk servers are causing acc drop by ~5-10%, feel of 500 ping (like getting hit 5m behind corner or late hit registration, for example when I die I still can hear last 2 hitsounds while I am getting to the ground) and choppy screen. As I already said, It doesnt have to be necessarily caused by ping itself, but by combination of routing+packetloss
in ET pings are not important as long as u dont have to play 50 vs 150, antilag creats too much strange situations...

in quake, wheres no antilag ping is much more crucial, but with good splash dmg u can try tu nullify it... anyway u shouldnt be able to hit more than half of normal accuracies with big ping disadvantage...

theres also matter of gettin used to it
the problem is that Antilag is so fucking nazi cus also 48 vs48 isnt the same
i always do good on all ping 48 or 41. I think you are making excuse to make you feel better.
more than 52 ping is actually very annoying for me. Less is better.
I get mostly stable 98, but it feels better to play with lower ping (around 60)
i dont remember how is it like to play on 48 ping
Depends how good the server is also and for ET 85% of them are shyt (hi2u ycn) This is because most people have servers with providers that host too many things on one machine.
always have 48 ping

if i dont have 48 ping then the server is shit

but i still give headshots hehe
At my parents home (dsl16) I feel like hitting better than at my own appartment (dsl6->ping+~50)..but maybe it's just the desk
with 98 i'm not so good, most of the hs are randoms... if i playe good then opponents sux :D
honestly answer :)
im on 48 almost everywhere xcpet some albanian servers but to be honest i dont see any difference between 48-98 above 100 ye but below i dont think so, imo its not that big deal its all about what you ate at breakfest, affects your aiming LOL
eggs + becon set = aiming skills +2
+3 with berlinki :DDDDDDD
grzesiek u're not tagged anymore.

I give u 2 weeks, before ur exclamation point reappears
I get decent ping. I dont mind playing most servers But servers from USA/canada etc that shit is annoying.

Lower than 100 is okay. But when it gets higher than 100 it starts getting very affective for me.
hate to play on server located in usa but these are the only ones late at nite... . .
yeah I play there quite often at night as I play with some colombians :DDD

but yeah you can easily tell the difference after 100 ping.
i miss 98 ping days, nice owning
stable 98 is so win!
i miss the old times when i got stable 98 on evey server outside(is it the right word?) poland
I actually quite like 100-120. Might get the netlimiter out.
in a random 3o3, suppy 48 ping, almost none hs, then we played goldrush, my ping suddenly got to 150-200 -> 4x the hs in supply

yes, ping affects atleast my game :DDD
Everything under 100 is ownage in ET.
60-70 its a little fucked up.its also annoying to play against those 98-101 pingers
I was much better in ET when i had like 52-65 ping unstable but now i got 98 and it sucks ;[
usually when i have 60-80, the lagometer isnt smooth at all, and i think thats the main problem cos the ping is jumping all the time. Examples of these servers = oxid ettv server and iR czech server :D

I would prefer to play on an american server where at least id have stable 120.
how do some people get lower than 48 btw? thought its capped at 48..
learn to read
QuoteET never shows your real ping ingame)
it does, otherwise i wouldnt have seen that some people got lower than 48, stupid polak
I do feel a diffrence between playing with a smooth 48 ping and a somewhat jumpy 50 - 51 ping on bad servers such as uK's (excluding CF Server, its fine). I don't whine as long as the server itself doesn't lag, but hitboxes seem so fucked up. Kinda ridiculous if you take into consideration that I used to ping 48 even on UDU servers (estonia) which are atleast twice as far away... So basically I'm just saying the same as filuS. :'D
When I had 48 ping with a different inet provider I was playing better than I do nowadays. At the moment I have 98 ping on most servers and that sucks badly. The reasons for that are that - like filus already mentioned - hits are getting registered like with 500 ping and that the enemies hitbox feels shit. I miss the ol' 48 ping days.

All the other things that filus mentioned liked bad movement doesn't apply in my case.

I'm yet kinda inexperienced in Quake, but there at least it doesn't make such a huge difference for me. LG is better with lower ping though. Rail doesn't hit even though it should, but that's due to the hitboxes I think - not net related.
Try playing with 400 ping. Really easy, no1 can hit me and i can hit every1 :|
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