Is It My Jeans?

Yes it is!!!!

looks like a slightly mentally challenged person :O
Always nice to see adult negroids with jailbaits

And on serious note, I like this song and the video
yeah i was pretty shocked when i saw this, doesn't seem right to be using your phone to take pictures of 12 year olds posing in public...

also i do not give a shit about trigs new blackberry
So easy to get famous. Live in USA and get lucky to get picked by soem recording company with good song makers -> Auto-tune on -> Get famous...
"good song makers"

Had to laugh
Sorry, I tried to imply that big recording companies take these kids under their wings and do everything for them and all they(kids) have to do is sing a song with auto-tune on.

And I agree, lyrics sucks but melody seems pretty OK:P!
yes, i hate recording labels really.

anyways lyrics are hilarious and meoldy is popstyle to catch dumb 13yo girls who fanboy real hard, i dont really like the meoldy either:/
shit music shit lyrics ugly jailbait stupid video and autotune.

oh and jenna rose sounds like pornstar name.
someone faps to haze?
not in my favourite list
Portugal SC BRAGA
stupid auto tune heart my fucking brain

-be 12yo
-live in US
-autotune ON
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