The Eagle Series


got lots of sparetime and feel like reading some books , just finished Simon Scarrows Centurio on 2 days , was quite entertaining yet the german translation was horrible.

its the rest of the The Eagle Series worth the coin ? also any other historic romans that are a must read ?

ty for your time cf.

NP: Modest Mouse - Gravity Rides Everything

image: xfssy8
inb4 no1 is reading books on cf.
inb4 no1 is reading books on cf.
1st class girl. And yes no1is reading books on cf.
the tawny man trilogy, the elves ( die elfen), the night angel trilogy, dan brown's books, ages of the five (!!)

just out of the top of my head
You should definitely check out Conn Igguldens series about Julius Caesar and Djingis Khan. The Emperor series are great, even if they are not 100% historically correct. I'm currently reading the third book in the Djingis Khan series, it's not as good as the ones about Caesar, but for someone who's into history it's a nice read.
That girl its fuckin Awesome!
nice cameltoe :P
dunno, but I'm reading Lolita atm ;D
I've read the first eight books of The Eagles series, seven of them in English because the German translation is indeed horrible.
Not my favourite series in any case but still a nice read, in English that is.

Definitely recommendable series in that genre are "The Saxon Stories","The Warlord Chronicles" and "The Sharpe Stories" by Bernard Cornwell.
I'd especially recommend "The Saxon Stories", my all time favourite of historical novels.

A decent German author of historical novels would be Gisbert Haefs although he's kind of a "Schwätzer" at times.
awesome thanks , gonna get the rest of the eagle series and will check the saxon stories :3
No problem.
I'm always eager to help people interested in reading since that seems to be a thing becoming constantly rarer. Especially in regards to historical novels.
well iam a big fan of the roman empire as they pretty much invented the tactical warfare<3

my passion started with John Maddox Roberts SPQR , maybe you read it aswell :3 ?
I haven't heard about that one yet but I think I'll give it a try! I need new books anyway

PS: You're arclite, right?:D
its more of a crime novel , but in a really entertaining way and no iam not :3
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