going to play airsoft today in Schoten, Belgium. Are there any poeple who wish to be noticed next time we have a closed event? Half the dkTrp crew from back in the days will attend. For Schoten counts: 60 players max. We are going with 55 players + some "airsoft events" dudes who join in to make odds even. So if you wanna join next time we go, drop a pm here! 18+ only..


Fritsie! join in next time k
wtf is this shit? :P
I live in Schoten :D
show me ur gun babe
have you got a gun yourself or hire one there?

and what do you use
Damn I lost my really old dktrp group pic .... I am sure I had it saved somewhere :|
image: ek46c5

Took me a while to find back this journal but here you are.
can you sent it to me??
Tinypic decreases file sizes I see. I uploaded it if that's ok.
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