For the skaters here!

I just broke my trucks for my skateboard! now i need new ones!

tell me .. wich i should buy now!

old trucks: Venture!
INDEPENDENT, prolly still the best trucks out there, at least they were when I was skating ^^
hmm nice trucks ofc .. i cant decide between independent and thunder :Q
get independent, can't go wrong with such an experienced brand !
hmm if you say dat :b

Im gonna go check my localshop for them :D

thx ^^
fail :D

(only works in journals)

nice edit ":D"
buy new ones. that's what i would do.
My appleyard 2's are beastly. Made by thunder so pretty good :Ppp
Current setup I've got some venture's on thou
There are plenty of great brands, just pick something you like or think is good. I usually went with flip, independent or zero
also ich würd von independent eher abraten, bocke schwer
hatte mal titans, super leichtes teil, aber für curbs der absollute schmarrn, war nach 3 wochen hinüber.
von der tensor achse war ich am anfang auch ziemlich begeistert, hab dann aber doch wieder ne venture gekauft.

also ganz klar VENTURE , sonst nix!
kleiner tip: vergiss nich deine alten lenkgummis in die neue achse reinzumachen, sparst dir damit das einfahren der neuen gummis.
I always had independent when I was skating ;P
when i still was skateboarding i used my Tensor mid with sliders for about 5years, then i stopped skateboarding. Those trucks still in good shape :)

(Tried independent back then, they were so heavy i couldnt do shit with them D: but i guess just a bad model for me)

I liked tensor cause they were super light
Hum, I'do go for Tensor trucks, the ones I used to skate with before I stopped. They are awesome and it's better for nose/tail slides :)

image: tnoir
If you broke your trucks, call a french truckdriver to repair them
funny thing i broke my kingpin today.

luckely a mate had a spare one.
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