messi scoring on a webcam or not

anyways messi flirting with some brazilian slut, unsuccessful unfortunately. so the bitch published the chat to get media attention. gg messi u tried, u need some more practice hours in flirting ;)

QuoteLionel Messi having a webcam chat with Neri Cardozo's (ex) girlfriend Sabrina Ravelli... Messi is typing: "How is the prettiest girl?" "Come on a walk with me."

image: sabrina-ravelli-04
rofl, what a bloody whore to publish it

messi is one of the nicest personalities on and off the pitch :<
and how do u know that?
Interviews, documentaries, watching barcelona games if they're on tv, other people saying so, a lot of other people saying so.

The real question is, why is it that every time I see you comment somewhere I have the stronge urge to facepalm?
cause youre belgian, which makes you retarded by default...

and tbh i wonder if u ever heard of PR... guess not
Bringing up nationality as an argument indicates how low your level of intelligence is, not really surprising since you're an e-thug.

And oh, you're absolutely right about PR, they changed his image so much because he is in fact the biggest jackass on the planet, eventhough all his teammates, both clubwise and international, enjoy playing and training with him.
and how intelligent are you, connecting "level of intelligence" with "nationality as argument"?
tak hitler for example, he surely seen differences between nationalities either and he was not dumb
He wasn't dumb, he wasn't that intelligent either. I'm pretty sure atleast his EQ was far below average. Intelligence isn't just knowing how to plan a blitzkrieg.

Calling someone a retard based on his nationality, that is just plain stupid and shows how little one knows of history, human nature and general knowledge.
Quote..stupid and shows how little one knows of history, human nature and general knowledge..

oh please. not everything is based just on "general" knowledge or knowledge of history.
its like if you said "fobias doesnt exist, because they are irrational" or "only people with little knowledge about spiders can suffer by arachnophobia"
and dont say "it is not the case" because it is.

EQ far below average? you must be fucking kidding me. his EQ was far ABOVE average, he was able to manipulate with masses of human!

and sure, intelligence isnt just about knowing how to plan blitzkrieg, but someone atleast underaverage wouldnt be able to do what he did, dont you think?
Arguments with flawed analogies really isn't a great way to handle a conversation. So I won't reply to those. Manipulation has NOTHING to do with EQ. Besides, people like Geubels (spelling?) and Speer played a huge part in that.

All humans are constantly migrating, and nationality is a 19th century invention. Sure, the dominant culture and education help shape a person to some degree, but it hardly determines the average level of intelligence of it's inhabitants.

If you know all that, how can you even generalise a single nationality? It's irrational at best.
When you dont understand analogy (or didnt even try think about it) it doesnt mean its flawed. But ok, will respect that.

QuoteManipulation has NOTHING to do with EQ

ok,let me quote wikipedia (or if you wish, just browse some "serious" articles about what EQ is, its not wikipedia only source)
Quoteself-perceived ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups

seriously, nothing to do with controling masses?

"its irrational at best"
oh, finaly we did come to that?! jezus. if you thought a bit about my analogy, you would understand that thats what I said. but people act irrational. sure education and knowledges help to remove some prejudice.
Let's not quote wikipedia. Don't insult me.
I won't reply anymore if you still think holding someone's nationality against him is a good idea.
Sorry for insult, but it pissed me off you refused something and said the same at the end.
You can read it from wherever you want, its hard to define EQ, but it contains even controling groups of other people.
I never said its good to define people by their nationality, I just said it doesnt say anything about their IQ.
That's exactly what I've been saying in my last few comments? :DDDDD
Well,you didnt agree with me about EQ part :o
otherwise its nice to see that afterall we agree with each other o_O
nog Geubels zeggen gekke Bram! :D Goebbels!
ja die, kwas zen naam kwijt :p
manipulation has nothing to do with IQ.. It's about saying what the crowd wants at the correct time in the correct way!
EQ =/= IQ bro
Bringing up nationality as an argument shows that you are not, if you will, smart enough to bring up any decent arguments.

Do not make the jump towards Hitler, you are ripping what I said out of context.
well, yeah, bringing up that argument isnt very smart :)
but in czech, we got such.. "saying".. "stupid question, stupid answer". what would you expect as answer on your question with facepalm? ;)
I did not say anything stupid here, so stop acting like a mongol. I just said that trying to win an argument by bringing up someone's nationality is retarded. If you don't agree then well .... then I feel sorry for you.
stop insulting me, its immature.
I dont agree and dont really want anyone to feel for me, especially not from someone who is unable to understand what I write.
I completely understood what you wrote, except that it doesn't make any sense and is a terrible argument that has been ripped out of context.
then you didnt follow conversation and replied senselessly?
lets sum it up for you.
I did agree with you that bringing up nationality as only argument is not smart.
I did not agree with you that it is connected to ones IQ.
I pointed on fact that it was as good answer as your question.
You did refuse that your question (rhetorical, yes) was stupid.
so u think ur iq is above average only by writing pointless bullshit in this journal?

I won't reply to ur reply, so make it good :)
I dont care if you care about my reply, so no reason to make it good for you.

Where the hell did you take that from? I didnt speak about my IQ at all.
so he's the nicest personality in football whilst the camera is on him.
"How is the prettiest girl?" "Come on a walk with me."

Oh you so player Messi
I know man

well u can't be good at everything :)
quite a bitch if they guy isnt married or anything
msn messi-nger
its not messi !
daaayuuum, id tap that!
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