World's hardest Languages (with grammar) to learn

This is the list:
1. Slovak
2. Hungarian
3. Chinese
4. Polish
5. Japanese
6. Russian
7. Arabic
8. Mandarin
9. Basque
10 . Lithuanian

(11. Anonymous nerd lang.)

Smth about slovak lang.

I am from Slovakia. I can say it is really a difficult language. Even people here need about 12-14 years to learn to write Slovak correctly. (Yes writing is way more harder for us.). Seven cases mentioned here are not the main concern! There are tons of other aspects and complications in the Slovak language. I will list some of them: the rule where to use y/i at the end of words (really a though and complex thing), rule where to use y/i after consonants like b,p,m,v,k,r,z,l (we have to memorize hundreds of words and for the rest there are other rules/or exceptions), different declensions for masculine/feminine/neuter gender (each of them contain at least four patterns how to declinate), several tenses, rule of using 'ť'/'t' 'n'/'ň'.. , rule how to use 'de'/'ďe', 'te'/'ťe', 'ne'/'ňe'..etc, adverbs prepositions numbers adjectives - all of them are declinated too.
There are also tons of rules in pronunciation: the rule of assimilation (Consonant clusters containing both voiced and voiceless elements are entirely voiced), rule for pronunciation of the letter 'v'... and many more.

And in addition to comparison with Czech language - in Slovak language there are things you can't find in the Czech language. To mention a confusing rhythmical rule (A long syllable (that is, a syllable containing á, é, í, ý, ó, ú, ŕ, ĺ, ia, ie, iu, ô) cannot be followed by another long syllable in the same word.) and also you can't find 'soft' letters like 'ď','ť','ľ','ň','dž','č','ä','ô','ia','ie','iu' in the Czech language. (And yeah - for them there are just another rules in the language.)

Well I mentioned just some aspects of the Slovak language (there is a fairly long book covering just Slovak syntax and grammar) and you can see it really complex with plenty of rules. Not to mention that with every rule there come even more exceptions.

So at the end you need to even double the complexity of the Slovak language.

Do you still doubt which is the hardest language?

Sorry, but CF don´t have UTF-8 Europan code.
Estonian should be hardest imo but idk
No! Finnish!
Even the exceptions of rules have exceptions ;d
German is!!!
not really :p
oke gimme a 100% grammar correct sentence!
Hallo, ich heiße Hans Peter.

even that wasn't right
Wales Welsh ! .. even I'm shit at it ;D
rofl, that's one thing i CAN say ! :o
I thought English would be on the top of the list. image: poland here tend to have difficulties with it.
you just won this journal.
stupid complications
thought Finnish would be here :p
French is
tu dis ça parce que c'est ta langue maternelle mais c'est assez dur a apprendre (je parle avec experience!)
C'est pas ma langue maternelle et moi aussi je parle avec experience.
et tu as pas trouvé ça chaud de devoir tout apprendre pour te remettre à niveau? perso j'suis arrivé dans une école francophone vers 13h donc début secondaire (collège je crois en france) et j'ai du passé mes années comme ça
Bah franchement je vais pas dire que j'avais pas du mal, mais je pense qu'il y a des langues beaucoup difficile. Je dirais même que je trouve le néerlandais (ma langue maternelle) plus difficile que le français.
j'imagine que ca dépends des personnes alors :<
nope , im english and now live in france and it took me only a year to learn the language and in french lessons i get better grades than french students.
For me mandarin is hardest
Finnish(1), mandarin (easy) , dutch is one of the hardest. Greek??
dutch isnt hard
Dutch has a lot of exceptions considering grammar rules, it's a hard language to learn, but not the hardest
yea grammar wise its hard, for almost all languages actually right? but i learned dutch faster than any other languages
the only hard thing in dutch language is my "lul"
The holy language :)
I say, with grammar.

Many langs are hard to speak, but when you will write it, you don´t need to case them!
In slovak, you need.
You don´t use a áé&#341;íýóô and others.... Try to learn slovak grammar. :)
no finnish? say waht :d
source of that list? of is it your own top10? :P
Nope. Just googling.
I heard finnish is the world's third hardest language to learn.
slovene = same as slovak..
Slovakia Toto snad nemyslis vazne!?! Vsak mi picu rozumies tak tu netrep picoviny dobre?

Translate it now!
czech = same as slovak..
To uz viac sedi. Ale 80% cechov (tych mladsich) ma problem porozumiet slovakovi.
Jo, ale hlavne taky cizinci :P.Znam jednoho Japonce, ktery zil nekolik let v Cechach a loni se odstehoval do Slovenska. Chudak ma ted rok na to, aby se naucil slovensky a odmaturoval z toho (:
Nezavidim mu. Ma to tazkeeee.
Dutch hardest language to learn.
I'd say estonian because its grammatically declined in fourteen cases, while others like russian language is in eight(?) and all those rules.. even native estonians can't write without any mistakes
Stupid top 10 since japanese/chinese for example would be more difficult for europeans with latin alphabet and vice versa.
3. Chinese
5. Japanese

But list is with grammar!
since u can write everything in latin alphabet in japanaese its not too hard i guess ( they use / learn 3 alphabets actually). but agree with chinese.. way to many symbols
this list is stupid, basque is way harder than any other languages since it's not related to any other.
isnt mandarin a part of chinese...?
wie intellent du bist <3
polish is pretty hard, spanish isn't that easy as well :<
Spanish is one of the easiest languages to learn lol
might be, but when I started having spanish I was like 'will be soooo easy' but now it isn't that easy, at least for me. Probably cause sometimes I mix it up other languages
French too izi :D
"(Yes writing is way more harder for us.)"

Metajokes for the win!
Estonia Estonian has 14 cases.

Russian is quite easy to learn.
English shuld be there to
Dutch is quite the hard language too tbh
i guess ugric (?) languages like hungarian/finnish are quite hard to learn...
chinese and japanese due to endless alphabet/list of words
slovak seems quite hard if i believe you, don't rly know

english = most primitive language ever

roman languages (french, spanish, italian, german) are quite easy

russian is not really hard
german isnt a romanic language
anyway gotta agree
ehr ye, my bad, mixed it up
No language is hard.
Estonian is hard
estonian is hard? guys, every nigga/chinese/japanese who lives in Estonia knowns this language!
one fact more for those who think that finnish is hardest language! WRONG!
finnish language is smart for estonian people!

sorry for english!
bullshit m8.Dave Benton has lived in estonia for 10+ (?) years and barely speaks it.

Few learn estonian, im proud of those who do. I hate russians tho for living for generations here and still dont give a fuck about learning even some basic estonian.
sa ise oled eestlane v2? ise mina venelane olen! kuid tean, et soome keel ei ole nii raske isegi minu jaoks, kuid ma ei viitsi seda 6ppida, sest nahhuj mul seda vaja on...
siis oled v2ge v2he neid jaapanlasi,tyrklasi n2inud, kes oskavad eesti keelt v2gi h2sti!

how about a klingon language?
how the fuck can you morons argue which is the hardest to learn when each of you knows 3 languages tops
other sites seem to differ:

1. Basque
2. Hungarian
3. Chinese
4. Polish
5. Japanese
6. Russian
7. German
8. Korean
9. English
10. Swahili


Extremely Hard: The hardest language to learn is: Polish-Seven Cases, Seven Genders and very difficult pronunciation. Average English speaker is fluent at about the age 12; the average Polish speaker is fluent in their language not until age 16. . [source]
estonian 14 cases. 6 genders and pronunciation hard too and (välted)<- foreign speaker will never learn completly.
weird that no one mentioned icelandic , you should take a look at it
Its very hard to learn :p
and what about swedish ? heard it was really difficult
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