History is funny

The funniest thing crossed my mind, ill try to explain it very refined.
The Dutch killed many humans to steal spices, they made many slices.
Cutting off arms and legs, just to spice some eggs.
After stealing everything, we started teaching.
We taught them their history, which was beastly.
Proud as we were, rage started to incur.
Resistance was born, hope is forlorn.
This started the downfall of the Dutch empire, nothing could save it, not even gunfire.
too uneducated to understand
The moment man devoured the fruit of knowlage he sealed his fate
Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope
Yet, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed
Beyond the beaten path lies the absolute end
It matters not who you are, Death awaits you

Life is funny
Ur rhymes are shit
My rhymes may be shit, but at least there is a message in it.

I guess you prefer the black drizzles , making up weird words like shizzle.
No I dont, but I just think ur lame
Pretty good actually, bit short tho
take your rhymes fast, shove em up your ass. you feel vanilla ice, yea press past that. oh thats wack, pac can even hear this bitch slap. sick rhymes on a geek site, am i rite? fuck it why do i even spell out no life. Oh no i just dissed myself, momy momy please i need help! them trolls might see through my inet shell.
pretty odd but whatever xD
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