LoL on monday

image: naamloossp

that's how I roll

e: inb4 all haters
my shen owned hard
jesus stop playing this shit game with the most retarded graphic ever
more losses then wins lol u noob
165/174 u roll ;p
you had leaver, they had 0/11 jungle!
fail, olaf didn't jungle
then that olaf fails!
better hanve 0/0/0 leaver than 0/11 5th, he just gave you free gold, and he got 2 assists only so did nothing except feed you lal
he was just bad, and the leaves were just from some shitty games where I had bad connection :-D

e: did u even noticed we played with 4 ? :*
thats what he meant with leaver
ah yea, just noticed, missread.
whahahaa 165:174
Yea, I can't do everything alone every game :-D
then you dont know what's dota and hon all about.
aha, so u say , I should do everything alone? :d

Played dota aswell, not hon.
i am just saying you are a player who sucks and then complains about the team.
It's a team game. You can't honestly mean what you're saying.
He prolly sucks and has a too big ego and if he loses he blames the team. Easy as that.
sadly enough, i'm the complete opposite. But I guess your just jealous of the fun stats I made in some silly normal game!

e: the comments you are making now, don't make sense at all.
e2: U might wanna play with someone before judging their skill
I am a long time dota player. And not some noob bnet player
If you're a long dota player, and still thinks it is a solo-based game, then I think you're still a shit player.
then you clearly cant read. I just said you are that kind of player :D:D
I guess atleast 3 people can't read here then. Anyway, I am the complete opposite :)
Well, the random soloqueue games suck rather often. There's a variety of reasons behind it. The team members don't necessarily suck as individuals, but often it is the utter lack of teamplay and coordination that ends up with the team losing. People rushing headlong into fights as initiators, expecting the rest of the team to follow them only to find themselves horribly mistaken and having to look at a black-and-white screen for 60 seconds, people failing to notice that someone else has come to their lane to help them gank, thus resulting in a failed gank or, in the worst case, the helpful ganker dead and so forth.
And of course there are games where the rest of the team is simply bad. Some people just can't play, there is nothing anyone has to say about it. Especially in games like this even one utterly bad player in a team can ruin it for everyone, as every kill the enemy gets just makes them stronger.

Anyways, soloqueue sucks. Play with some friends if you want to have a positive win/loss ratio.
Didnt even bother to read :D
because you can't handle the truth.
Ignorance is bliss.
Yeah I was like wut as well.

I've won games against 5 lvl 30's just because I played with 4 people I know (I'm only lvl 16)
Since when am I complaining about the team? I guess it's obvious there are times with feeders etc. And I don't know why ur hatin, but you obviously don't know anything about dota games yourself if you think its a solo-based game.

bye :)))
QuoteYea, I can't do everything alone every game :-D

That's complaining about team

it's an obvious selfish answer isn't it?
i had to play with polaks and russians in 90% of my normal games and have + 30 wins
\o/, happens, but we can't compare every player to each other sadly enough.
photoshop co-op vs. ai

e: Look at their stats. I don't think it's YOUR achievement :X
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