oh lord hear my prayers

Dear lord,

I wanna play ET again, but i dont wanna play this game that has changed to aim only and with 1 fops/rifle kill you are fucked.

Sorry that i am swearing lord, im just mad that medium max aimers can become admins with no experience at all and change things "for the better".

We need a Covie! oh no we cant lose a medic, with 2 medics you wont survive.

We need a soldier! oh no we cant switch, well we can but there is a high chance we are gonna be held back and not take stages.

We need a field ops! oh no we need that third medic.

the uniqueness is gone, i can rather go play cod4 cause that is what this game has become. And you know that shiznit is kinda boring.

No lord, i dont want those silly admins to change the fops and rifle class that was already configured for 6on6.

No lord, you will find enough people to play with and searching wars wont change either. this game is kinda old you know.

So you say i need to infiltrate into this admin team made out of pions and change it myself? I would if i could. Should i post this into the column?

Guide me lord.
with medium max aimers i also meant medium max brainers
I am your lord and I say: Stop the whine!
Constructive comments like this are really gonna help
journals like this will help right?
it might do the trick, what else?
do something instead of whining ?
its not whining, damn monkeybrain. its shedding the light on something that has been burried.

How can i do something? with my reputation they wont allow me in their anal-comittee
its not whining, its crying, sorry.

how can u do something ? do 6on6 cups or do anything which makes 6on6 more popular.
That wont work, cause 5on5 is the main form

and whining is the same as crying Mr. engris
wanted to write something long, but iam too lazy now, so: go fuckyourself and cry in a corner

yep, thank you
i was afraid of your long story prolly full of facts :(
So you say i need to infiltrate into this admin team made out of pions and change it myself? I would if i could. Should i post this into the column?

loekino for admin gogo
dan begin ik met news te posten -> cheaters busten en dan ben ik binnen no-time admin!
easy toch... mijn zegen heb je
er is alleen geen plek open denk ik :(

of het word als politiek en ik ga mezelf promoten
mijn stem heb je laurens
Loekino for president!
no generalisation man! I am german and I am with you!
yeah but he is a yerman, not a german
come play with razzia and you can play field ops all day
i wanna play actually, but not lol+ skill :(
we play versus low i think :D
hi loekinooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo =)
well written, good read, make it a collumn
get 6on6 back noobs :(
atleast there were more lans after changing the game to 5on5

image: 400
and the fun and pure awesomeness that this game is, and the reason we still play it ?

where is the place for that ?
5on5 = boring
Loekino still baas.
true words
Loekino if you don't come back ET might aswell close it's doors for good.... COME BACK MAN
what if i will come back as admin? theres at least something i can do!
catalonia agrees.
it has heard u prayer son.
We need admins like Loekino o/
6on6 is way more fun but 5on5 has proven to result into more lans. i'd say we keep 5on5 for competitive play but should also boost 6on6 activity by ladders and cups for fun.
that wont work, thats like splitting the community and ET does not have the capacity for that.

5on5 has brought us 1 aef lan, the others are debatable they just went 5on5 cause the community went 5on5
Already in April and only 1 has been announced so far. Cannot be many more than the 1 if they still haven't been announced ;\
Yer, we have so many lan's now..
et is dead. it died a long time ago.

just play some other game, like me!
nothing as good as et out there
and nothing as bad as the current et out there either!

come on man, 1 or 2 years back it was much more fun...you have to admit it.

this game we know today does have no soul.
true fucking that, sucks that it got ruined. I wonder why after that massive whine against donex and other admins wanted to change it back now just agree with it :/
thing is that many people want the old et back.
the admins are trying desperately to keep et alive...and everyone who complains that et sucks now the way it is gets one single argument at his face: "if you dont like it, just quit it."

so the people complaining think: "no, i wont quit but hmm...ok. i'll just accept the shitty new changes."
and exactly THAT thought ruins the fun of the game.
yeah, and the type of admins we have now are narrow minded as shit, they only listen to famous/known people.
exactly my thoughts.

also you dont see so much dedication for et (by the admins) like there was back then.
there were so many community projects all the time that you never got bored of what was going on.

also 6on6 clearly > 5on5.

5on5 killed et imo. its just not the same anymore.

ps: also give me back my spam hitsounds! :'(
you're right, but what sould we play instead? some dingy cod? or boring cs?
in your case there wouldnt be another game to play.

for myself, i decided to quit et because i couldnt improve, i had no fun playing it (at least not anymore) and so i got owned most of the time. it felt like i was so much better back in the old days.

et started to annoy me so i just decided to quit.
everytime the et servers are empty i start cs BUT hmm :( its not same and all other games i tried so far not even nearly good as et..
its a matter of taste.

i dont want to advertise here or anything (:D) but for myself, i discovered that bad company 2 is a pretty good game...its really funny. :)
dear lord, bring us 10'000'000 new players..
you are dumb
for example cuz et is nothing like cod
that was the only part in that story that you could see as a joke. i think you are the dumb one here ^_^
didnt look like a joke, sorry to tell you, but you are the dumb one V_V
et back to 6on6!
yes to tennessee
do people that argue with lans actually mean that seriously? there are so few lans a year, and people play online everyday.. so what is more important should be obvious
do a lan with 5000 prizemoney, 6on6 is back!
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