SLAC, under the loop

image: Mag_glass_request

2) Software is designed to take screenshots of the Game and to make those screenshots public. If the Software erroneously captures a screenshot of data not related to the Game (e.g. data outside of the Game screen), Licensors shall not be liable for any damages arising out of this error. However, in case the Licensee believes a screenshot violates their privacy, he/she has the right to request a review of the screenshot which may result in removal of the screenshot from the Software's website.

After they all have seen our bank accounts!

The Software is provided "AS IS" and without any warranty of any kind. The Licensee understands that the Software may contain errors, function improperly, negatively affect the operation of the Game or other software, fail in detecting all cheats or mistakenly detect a cheat when no such program is running on the Licensee's computer
Licensors shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages arising out of the use of the Software.

So it is not safe?????

You may terminate the License Agreement at any time. Upon termination for any reason, all licenses granted herein shall immediately terminate and you must immediately and permanently destroy all copies of the Software in your possession.

How do we terminate it? so we must destroy our computer or what? cant we just delete it?

This License Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Croatia.

i aint living there, does this means this shit is licensesed or what?

Software inspects the memory and files used by the Game and reports the results, the Licensee's IP address and information about hardware components to other connected computers. The Licensee consents to allow the Licensors to make such information public.

So he is free to share all my information with the public???

I hope you all know how serious this is and you should delete it asap!
tl,dr :(
but without it means no ET... :'( else i wouldve not even downloaded that shit
Sherloekino is back call your mate Watson back man you need him!
so dont install it... or devote yourself :))))))))))
yes, u agreed to have all ur pc stuff avaliable to him once u agreed to the stuff u agreed during the install, if u dont agree, u should uninstal the software.

e: talkin to him ofc: D
realized that :P
too long to read...can anyone short it out?
monkey brain overload?
Yeah haha, got crossed eyes >:-<
i ain't scared using the software. My "connections" all around europe are ready & just waiting for my call if this slac shit goes down.
ya know how you roll
mr president is back again....gogo for admin
No we cant!

how do you like my slogan?
hmm....not that strong.....
You is I, and I is you.

like i listen to the community
Nice to see you back
hai swanidus, still got that voice?
this is the first eula you've read, isn't it?
yeah i normally dont read them, but today i was bored enough to read it!

intergrade a minimizer in it so it actually does something useful

Hello back, and check any random app you downloaded from the internet, you will find the same shit there too.
but this is SLAC, comeone jew be a bit more suspicious
true, lets forget about slac and get pb back finally. Was the best anyway for years!!! Always up to date, user friendly and it do not take much of your memory!
I don't have bank account, I'm safe
QuoteCountry: PL

guess i dont have to wonder why you have none.
spam spam spaM IT BABY!
"Licensors shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages arising out of the use of the Software."

You will find that pretty much in every program's EULA. It's impossible to say that a program will run under all circumstances on every possible system that has been or will be invented.

So if you lose your 8 pages of your unsaved homework essay because your computer freezed while you had slac running, the developer of slac won't write your 8 pages of homework again.
Dont piss him off, or goodbye youre months wages...
thats a fucking good point

but most important

is the program doing what is suposed to do ?? catch/expose/instaban cheaters ??
first eula you ever read or what? that's pretty much copy paste tbh lol
Every EULA has that more or less, so stop whining.
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