bad company 2 tips

yo guys

im looking for some jpeg with bfbc2 tips for settings and gameplay

would be pleased if you can help me

ps; anyone bfbc2 players here?

image: sexy
yea, stopped at level 25.. gets boring getting 200,000 xp till a level.. pretty simple to play, get a noobtube and try to overcamp the camperss xD also rush with granades and do multiple kills with them Ez

sniping is extremly fun if you find a proper spot noone knows x))
i have seen that girl before, i wonder from where
previous journal here on CF?!??
hmmmmmmmm, not sure
hoe duur is die game? ga ik m wel mee peunen met je :)
i play battlefield play4free
yes i am a bc2 player! happy to see that other guys play it too =)

ingame nick: rOLLERC0ASTER

or steam on pm if you want.
laat ik tieten bij mijn post doen, dan kijkt er nog iemand naar. :'D
i am playing bc2!!!!!!
ingame nick: radzix
yah but i play on xbox
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