ET vs BF CS:S and more

ET is stable like mama said. All the BF Games are losing continuesly Players. And CoD² is also beaten by ET. Result: ET > ALL cause CS/CSS sucks :D
ET for CPL and WCG !11

looks like expected...

thats old.
Relaxte nick =)
i realy dont get it why cs(:s) is so populair.. prolly because it is so populair more and more kiddos start playing it.. hmm, if you think of it, its better this way.. stay average so the kids-joining-et quotem stays to a minimum..
there's probably more kids in et than cs:s
I seriously doubt that, say you have 6k average players in ET, 60,000 in CS+S, it's statistically impossible ;P
how about the significant decrease in players from aprill to better half of may?

CS had a dip then too.
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