ok wtf america?

Sup cf,

so i found this video & well its rather, strange
just watch it http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/1442831/815c0336/dumpert_vrouwen_tv.html

image: bruce-conner-design-for-mankind-bombhead-412x516-1

im kinda thinking its a troll, but in the US i guess u never know :D
e: ye ok im pretty sure its a troll, still funny imo ^^

image: 4640563237_416ddc1054
wait, what
Quoteim kinda thinking its a troll
:DD already changed that :p
america is stupid, but not that stupid..
I like the idea of her baking me a cookie while fucking... :o
You like getting spanked by that hot fry pan, huh?
america is stupid, but not that stupid..

That's from The Onion. They're great. http://www.theonion.com/
hilarious :D
oooo that would win me over :D
ok! :D
while having sex throw a ball at him? LOOOOOOOOOOOL
in the end of that video
"we will show how to prevent cancer by removing your organs now"
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