Suggestions for upcoming..

I´m currently working on new project.
Now I ask you some things..
1. Do you like this thing? image: flagdemoqu9 And would you like to see it in mod what you are playing?
2. Wanna new hitboxes? ETpro has like 25 hitboxes,but if we change it to 67?:)
3. New weapons?
4. Stats system for mod,which means that if you visit hosted stats page,you search your name and you can see your stats,acc,kills,deatsh,k/d,BFBC2 stats type signature.
5. Do you agree with adding d_adminmod cvar ,which means that if you don´t wanna use REF or ETadmin_mod,then just type(rconit) /d_adminmod "1". Makes admins life easier and guests life harder.
6. Own simple anti cheat system. It just scans your config to find wl_ or ET crush commands and runs fast proccesors scan. You like it? Or not.
7. New gametypes?
8. New score system? No XP,just score,(+5 = kill)
9. uvMod style kill pop-messages?
10. Inside built SLAC anticheat system?

Also suggest your own ideas and please don´t post idiot replys,I´m serious here!(:{D)
No, thanks.
i like et how it is tbh
you like it just like you like your job
Another attention-whore-fail-project. GL!
<3 ET the way it's now
ah have to sleep

BTW: how can i make this thingy bla flags or bold letters or i dno what in my ET name???? :s ;'(
i think the new weapon stuff sounds like a good idea.

i would just change the graphics of the weapons (make them more detailed) and add 1 or 2 alternative weapons to each class. editing the player models would be cool also. maybe with different outfits for each map, depending on if its a snow map or a "spring map".

also the hitboxes thing sounds like a good idea.
+1 outfits
-1 hitboxes, the change doesnt make sense everyone has learned after 8 shots you kill somebody and thats fair enough. not like someone hits 10 boxes but the opponent still isnt killed because you hit the arm 10 times which is like for example 10 dmgpoints, so bad idea. and doesnt matter if you make 67 hitboxes and have them all still 20 dmg each hit (or 18 what was it?) cuz its the same thing.

thats like buying 10 apples while you're only gonna eat 6
seems like a matter of taste again :p i just thought of making them maybe a bit more ~realistic~

not like ( [ = edges of hitbox) [ BODY ]

but more like [ BODY ]
ye like im ok with that thought you meant something else :P
i guess i just thought the wrong way :D thats it xP
1. Do you like this thing? And would you like to see it in mod what you are playing?

2. Wanna new hitboxes? ETpro has like 25 hitboxes,but if we change it to 67?:)

3. New weapons?
not really

4. Stats system for mod,which means that if you visit hosted stats page,you search your name and you can see your stats,acc,kills,deatsh,k/d,BFBC2 stats type signature.

5. Do you agree with adding d_adminmod cvar ,which means that if you don´t wanna use REF or ETadmin_mod,then just type(rconit) /d_adminmod "1". Makes admins life easier and guests life harder.
good enough

6. Own simple anti cheat system. It just scans your config to find wl_ or ET crush commands and runs fast proccesors scan. You like it? Or not.

7. New gametypes?

8. New score system? No XP,just score,(+5 = kill)

9. uvMod style kill pop-messages?
if you can change back and forth (implemented in NQ already)

10. Inside built SLAC anticheat system?
plz dont fuck with the guns & models

and the anticheat thing, GTFO.
i dont think ET needs changes in its gameplay but more in graphic style, maybe like new skins or just new better graphics (like houses bushes etc), i think somebody was busy with this but havent heard of him in a long time

(dont like any of your ideas tho, most of them are not needed imo)
1. No looks pretty bad for me
2. No It's good how it is now
3. I would like to have old weapons back - mg/mortar
4. Would be nice but a bit embarrassing
5. I dunno
6. SLAC is good for me, so no
7. ETpro is ok maybe a new version of ETpro?
8. It would don't work in clan wars - I mean ppl would play frags to get xp? when they need to set a good time?
9. That could work but would be nice if players could decide what the want like /b_killpopupstyle 1(classic) 2(uvMod) etc
10. Would be great
better hitboxes, not new. thank you
What do you have to do with all this questions?

Please tell me that you are working with a professional team to create some kind of new ET. And with new ET i dont mean NEW ET, i mean the old ET with great gfx and no cheaters.
no new anti-cheats, thanks.
Like Sample said, its already enough money wasted on new bots.
nC scammed me badly, lifetime bot? gtfo.
crossfire mad that people have ideas lolool.. you're all dickheads
Tell me, what would that mod do to improve the game? hitboxes part sounds okayish but the rest is just no needed bullshit.
That's not what I'm saying.. I'll get laughed at for saying this, but being nice doesn't hurt >_> No wonder this community is in the fucking pan, everyone's a cunt.
I disagree. Stop being such a cunt about it :s
- Try and fuse et and wolfenstein, this way you get players from both games on side!
- Add a single player mode in et 2 like wolfenstein
- Move et to Xreal engine
- New intro + get quaky or someone to make a trailer xD get crossfire to spam it across internet.
- A whole new 6 map campaign. Make a cup (e.g. ycn) and force these new maps. To choose these maps select all the maps from the tlr map contest and select 6 (if possible), playing them is the best way to test them, so play them in a month long cup, with top teams.
- Vary spawn times.
- Attempt to get jaymoders to join et pro.

Quote by razz Call it Et Stealth
oh god. i cba to write the "we've all seen the 9000 attempts before this shit" wall of text.
:DDD, cant win, you ask how to improve. Then you say cba :|
ETXreal is not ready,yet.
If it will relased,then yes,I ill convert work to Xreal SDK soucre.
1. Do you like this thing? And would you like to see it in mod what you are playing?
2. Wanna new hitboxes? ETpro has like 25 hitboxes,but if we change it to 67?:)
why not, need to test
3. New weapons?
lol no
4. Stats system for mod,which means that if you visit hosted stats page,you search your name and you can see your stats,acc,kills,deatsh,k/d,BFBC2 stats type signature.
public only
5. Do you agree with adding d_adminmod cvar ,which means that if you don´t wanna use REF or ETadmin_mod,then just type(rconit) /d_adminmod "1". Makes admins life easier and guests life harder.
public only
6. Own simple anti cheat system. It just scans your config to find wl_ or ET crush commands and runs fast proccesors scan. You like it? Or not.
not gonna work ( cf etbot )
7. New gametypes?
public only ( there are enough mod, just test it )
8. New score system? No XP,just score,(+5 = kill)
who cares
9. uvMod style kill pop-messages?
why not
10. Inside built SLAC anticheat system?
who cares
ET is good as it is =(
only cause you will need new cheats with a new et :)
9. uvMod style kill pop-messages?
Hell no, don't want to see my own kills all the time. Kinda useful to know when your teammate has died..
he probably meant cs style popups
No, thanks.
what I would like to see is current et + etpro with those changes:
xreal (update maps + models)
fix hitboxes
add different dmges for hitboxes (chest, legs, arms, torso,...)
fix netcode
put a shoot delay after pushing
fix shooting around corners (delay between initializing the shot and actually shooting)
introduce sniper change with garand: every shot needs to get loaded + 1 headshot is kill
disable turnspread
add ability to drop weaponbank2 + 3
fix link between maxfps + movement + spread
up maxpacket range to 125
add cvar to regulate rechargetime/charge amount of each class/weapon via cfg
fix scoreboard ping
fix fireteam (e.g. sometimes ppl are shown as gibbed when they arent)
make the radar/map more useful (e.g. show if the player is on the same level or above/lower) and update it more often
add possibility to add your own hud/crosshair(s)
fix widescreen
add client cvar to switch between regular popups/image popups
add proper client cvars to execute cmds at the start/end of round (e.g. save guids/slac ids/pb guids/whatever on demo)
make it possible to view scores/stats while watching a demo
add cvar(s) to test adding/reducing runmalus depending on the current weapon
fix weaponswitch time/add cvar to test fast weaponswitch
make it possible to cancel reloading by switching weapons

and maybe for testing purpose:
add wallbanging + model penetration (except through revived ones, tank, ...)

dont directly integrate any anti cheat for the sake of less updates
Thanks for suggestion.
1. Do you like this thing? And would you like to see it in mod what you are playing?
not bad

2. Wanna new hitboxes? ETpro has like 25 hitboxes,but if we change it to 67?:)
dunno what 67 hitboxes means, try it

3. New weapons?
hell no

4. Stats system for mod,which means that if you visit hosted stats page,you search
your name and you can see your stats,acc,kills,deatsh,k/d,BFBC2 stats type signature.

5. Do you agree with adding d_adminmod cvar ,which means that if you don´t wanna use REF or ETadmin_mod,then just type(rconit) /d_adminmod "1". Makes admins life easier and guests life harder.
i dont care

6. Own simple anti cheat system. It just scans your config to find wl_ or ET crush commands and runs fast proccesors scan. You like it? Or not.
no, slac is just good

7. New gametypes?
why not?

8. New score system? No XP,just score,(+5 = kill)

9. uvMod style kill pop-messages?

10. Inside built SLAC anticheat system?
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