W:ET Hitboxes docs

Suggestion: being able to change BODY hitboxes
this is something useful i found on teh net while looking for something completely different
In short. for different mods the head AND BODY Hitboxes are different.
Here is how the hitboxes look for each mod.
image: hitmode2etmainyw9

image: hitmode4etproqn9

image: hitmode6jaymodua7

image: hitmode5nqxd9

the motion hitboxes are also described here

ETmain illustration

image: standingsmgmg3

image: strafeleftnadeac4

image: crouchsmgforwardpp1

image: proneahead2bq3

This means that ETpro hitboxes are NOT the best ones,but Bani coded them with good point and suprise..NQ hitboxes are the best!

image: justpub_0561
looks kinda small for jaymod hitboxes
dunno bout others but
etpro= fake, not the real ones:) dunno where u got them :D
Got them by model viewer and ETpro htiboxes are not fake:)
Bani added some hitboxes cvars in older ETpro versions,but deleted them,don´t know why he did that.Then hitboxes were better and smaller.
link to this model viewer?
you cannot just say that without showing any evidence...
Well the don't post it's a nonsens...
just cuz the htibox u posted arent accurate, i shouldnt tell ppl about that theyr not accurate cuz i dont want to upload pictures?
Seen this before. The hitboxes of Jaymod are good! Nobody would want any changes to ET, everyone he is autistic and doesn't like change.
yeah nq hitboxes def loook better
jaymod hitboxes are a joke, even I shoot headshots only and I'm low
etpro hitboxes suck
u mean canadians ping bad to german servers ?
same ping on every euro server, 150. unless it's polagland, then it's something unstable like 160-190
Doesn't matter, you can't dodge riflenades anyway

image: trollface
<(^^<) <(^^)> (>^^)>
no,et boxes are what make this game what it is.
Etpro = fake
With kmod, you can know wether you hit legs or arms or body.
on of the reasons i dont play anymore are those ridicolous hitboxes
the guy who made slac
can he change this ?
Well,using LUA moduls,it can be done,but whats the point of it?
Better code new mod than mess with LUA.
gaymod hitboxes are the best !
what about nitmod hitboxes?
Nitmod,I haven´t looked yet.
on the other hand i dunno if i even would like hitboxes to become better now that im used to these :d
The ETpro body hitbox is fake for sure XD
It´s not fake,does ETpro lies to me?
someone make them more detailed
For that I need mod developers phone number:d
isnt etpro one fake?
if u shoot a little next to head according to this pic u would miss...

and arent those ->

et pro ones?
nop they're etmain
but for example the prone one is pretty sure still like that on etpro..
etpro's are kinda like that imo :o
wouldn't mind if they were a bit more detailed, maybe not as much as jaymod's but kinda like noquarter would be nice.
ye our 14 years old coder strikes again

good job
NQ > Etpro
its good how it is, hitboxxes like jaymod in etpro means 50+ acc
etpro hitbox are fucked up, how many times i shooted on some shit heads and the game give me "BODYSHOT.WAV"

gg bb
why is it harder to make headshots with a garand than with a pistol ?
weaponspread ofc!
The bullet spreading isn't the same...
the pics are actually not useful at all. would be more interesting what they look like when the models are moving since u wont find any1 standing in game unless hes afk
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