back from da clab

i just back from da clab, teh party was amazing sup crossies?
kinda early to come back from a parteh?
didnt go to party tonight...

fuckin boring now :( gonna play some time on bio
lucky you, i need to wait 3 more days bc some faggot thought it would be funny to let ppl wait 15 days before they can public slac.
its 2am in poland
are you 16 ?
didnt know there were clubs in poland
no energy for prty tonight>p maybe tomorrow Crossfire ::: Dj-Fusen ;; chillout - dub -- shg!!!!!
ok wypierdalaj
Posted by denuo on Saturday 16th April 2011, 01:08

yeh i bet it was fucking amazing xD
hahahah yes :D best party are on summer hahahah is not summer yet LOL
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