Coding 24/7

Yeah,I just coded for 7 hours,god damnit.
Anyway I made list after new coded lines.

#001-Serverlist wraps
#002-Referee commands doesn't work in server console
#003-Calling for a lot of artillery or airstrikes can result voice over spam
#004-Garand couldn't reload mid-clip
#005-Kick command is not able to kick some players by name
#006-Complaint votes sticks around, so vote no if we have complaints turned off
#007-Round timer and respawn timer not shown when cg_drawFireteamOverlay is 0
#008-stoprecord was missing from COMMANDS list
#009-Command completion client side wasn't up-to-date
#010-Making sure dead coverts loose their uniform [duplicate of b006]
#011-Spectators can hear when a covert spot a mine
#012-Medic revive, medic adrenaline and engineer pliers can't be used under water
#013-Fireteam Delta's icon doesn't show up
#014-Show connecting people as connecting in the scoreboard and not as spectators
#015-Compact scoreboard - Spectators written with wrong char size
#016-Compact scoreboard - Normal background is used when names are compact
#017-Mine flags blocking other mines from being spotted
#018-Negative XP doesn't show up on the playerstat dropdown
#019-Removed the non-existing restart command from referee help text
#020-Added <pid> to remove command in referee help text

Map fixes:
#001-Supply double spawing
#002-sw_goldrush truck bug fixed

New stuff:
Shrubbot based admin system
Allows to connect with teamspeak server ingame,still its buggy

Tomorrow I ill fix multiview code:(
Its most bugged code I have seen.
Bani fixed it,but didn´t relase fix code.
you are pretending that you are some kind of coder

what is more pathetic?
What is it you've actually coded? Is it the bible?!?!?!
i know a bit or two about coding to me it looks like a bananaboat
Hmmm, i'd like to have a bananaboat!
Also you code silly things!
possumrobot is not silly!
YES IT IS! Also you need to code more dragons!
my 3d printer is out of fire ink so whats the point
This is bad news. I think you'll have to phone the firepolice.
they won't help cause i didn't pay my citytax
then we're fucked :<<<
can't think of a better way to spend my days :D
do you make jaymod?
what are you coding? :o
what about the slac cheat:

make one,
blabla, we appreciate your work and effort, but seriously, bani should release the source code.. atleast someone like you could fix etpro, there is alot of work to be done... ALOT!
But with the source code released, there would be way to code stuff to remove ETpro cvar limits.(?)
mmm... we have them without the code... plus i don't really see how exactly, also we have slac preventing this kind of stuff to happen...

i can't really see a reason for bani to keep it.. even et full source code got released under gpl license...
I think he's just a dick.
bani and co would need permission from iD first. It's not as simple as "it's GPLed already" and the etpro team signed contracts to work on ET 2.60b etc which incorporated ETPro code.

He's also mentioned that code submitted from long lost etpro contributors would need be be signed off and their permission gained for releasing their sections of code.

basically it's not as simple as "just copy/paste the code please"
thanks for pointing it out! I noticed there is alot of code related to etpro at source code yeah.

Either, do you know if bani is interested in sharing it in the first place, and do you know if he tried to contact id/sd already?

thanks mate
it was discussed in the etpro irc chan a couple of months ago as a passing question and his responses sounded like he had thought about it but deemed it to much effort to do
now thats a lame excuse :) we really need it, as long as he doesn't have time to implement some fixs...
make etadmin mode to work with slac if u can please
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