Movie titles

ola people!

I would like to get some titles of awesome movies which weren't in the topratings all the time. You might ask yourself, Why oh why can't it be a movie which was in the news / top rankings all the time?! :(
my answer is simple, i've seen most of those =(!

vid that i was just watching:

do share me your thoughts of the day as well please

and don't forget,
If I can't have what I want, make me want what I have.

Enjoy your day people!

Orphans, real good one
The hunted
into the wild, the doors and ofc GARDEN STATE!
Have you seen The Fall?,amazing film
dead snow
Ik ken iemand die Chance heet, hij is vorige week van school getrapt omdat ie nooit kwam, domme indo ;o]
dat ben ik niet ^^
ik ga strijdend ten onder op mijn opleiding
Nee, jouw echte naam is ook niet Chance :)
thank you for the movie titles people, i gonne watch some of them :)
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