
Yo G's.

Whatcha gon' do?

No, let's just skip the afroamerican slang.

I am searching for a good provider of Webspace with unlimited traffic, enough storage space (maybe around 50 - 80 GB?) and good (preferably low :D) prices.
Which provider could you recommend?

Thanks in advance!

vaGgi over and out.
if you find one, do you mind letting me know, which one you've chosen. been looking for one for some time now too, but not exactly found anything suitable :/
yep sure ;)

i found many things online, but mostly some for e-mail and website stuff, which doesnt really interest me.

i just want to use it as space for storaging fragmovies, demos, previews, etc.
that's pretty much the same usage im looking an ftp for :D

i actually used YCN's ftp space a couple years back, but i found the upload extremely slow :/
i used beta-gaming.de's ftp, but i lost the datas for it long time ago.
also, noone really knows how to access it (lost login datas and cba to ask everyone :p) i would also like to host one myself, so i dont have any limitations on what to upload.
In my class, they're all addicted to http://www.servage.net/. I know it isn't unlimited... but 7500 is a lot:)
seems MASSIVE with a good price! :O

nobody sells 7.5 TB of traffic for 6 EUR. they allow that much, but you won't be able to make it, the download speed from your site/ftp will be slow
yeah i just looked through the site and i dont really think its trustworthy somehow... :S
Quote by servageSubscriber is aware that the Company may prospectively change the specified rates and charges from time to time.

Quote by servageCustomers are able to use 250 Gb daily totaling 7500 Gb in a normal 30 day month. A 28 day month provides 7000 Gb transfer and a 31 day month will allow a total of 7750 Gb transfer.

Think the first one is just meant for promotion offers, but don't know if the second one is much of a burdon to you, guess you'll want to host your movies there right? 250GB might actually be reached in no time. Plus you can test it for 5 days and get your money back (is what their TOS say)
PS: at least you get a gbit/s connection...but on one server might aswell mean you share the connection with someone, which is very likely. they've really hidden that information pretty well anyway -.-
campusspeicher.com best you can find hosted in Germany. wouldn't advise you to get one from US... but 50-70 gb? wtf? get a root then
best choice for roots is hetzner.de
i dont have much of a clue with that root server things and stuff.

could you explain please? :(

yea well, you might know that i released many fragmovies, previews and clips.

and that could be even MORE than 50 gb.
do you have experience with linux?
no. :(

could you tell me if http://www.servage.net/ would be a good choice?
i also had a look at http://giga-hosting.biz/ as alternative. because i am not sure if the conditions are right. i just need pretty much webspace and much traffic additional too...also that shouldnt cost too much.
ohne ahnung von linux wäre wohl ein root oder auch nur vroot nicht angemessen.
die beiden angboten klingen doch recht gut und für 10€ im monat bei 60GB webspace unlimited traffic, 5 .de domains etc. kann man ja nicht viel falscch machen. solltest aber gucken wie lang die mindesvertragslaufzeit ist
QuoteAlle Angebote des Providers setzen eine Mindestlaufzeit von zwölf Monaten mit automatischer, permanenter Verlängerung der Vertragslaufzeit mitsamt der zugehörigen Leistungen um je zwölf weitere Monate voraus.
Eine Kündigung kann zum Ablauf einer Zwölf- Monats-Periode mit einer Kündigungsfrist von 4 Wochen zum Laufzeitende erfolgen.

und dann noch 20€ einrichtungsgebühr... :x
na wenn du gerad 140euro da hast die du nicht weiter brauchst, dann nimm den vertrag und kündige sofort damit du es später nicht verpeilst.
http://www.hostgator.com/ legendary with 24/7 support, theres no better really
the same i replied above applies to this.. they offer unlimited, but unlimited does not exist, only unmetered.. and if they host 1000 clients on one server, they all have unmetered traffic, but they all use it.. he needs a hosting people will download from and from such companies people will get very slow speeds
you're right
how much are you ready to pay per month?
around 10 euros should be max.
ich denke ich könnte dir da was einrichten fuern 10er pro Monat!


You can take the 2nd server (vSERVER Cloud PLUS X4) that costs 18.85 EUR/m, but first half year is free, so you pay 6 months for 12 months which is around 9.5EUR

6 TB transfer, fast connection, 50 GB space
why not? it's cheap and will fit his needs
thank you very much for your research chaplja, i just got a good offer from someone. :)
how about 1and1.com?
Been using them for nearly a year now!:o... my site hasn't been down once. Unlimited Bandwidth and space. My friend also has a VPS from them... I pay £3.50 for unlimited.


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