hon buddies

i want some hon buddies.

I'm not really good at the game, stable 1500-1600 MMR but that's mostly because every time I win a couple of games I get some retards who fuck everything up on purpose.

I play supports/semi-carrys, rare hard carry, I ward decently and shit, just want someone to play with. AND YOU CAN'T BE A RAGER.

#glitz - glitz`x3NJa or just pm me here :<

image: cheryl-cole
Good luck finding hon buddies
lohh pede lits
same but about 1700
fishbot or fishbotx (can't remember it exactly)
Play support mostly or hard carries like mq
hard carries like mq

i lol'd :_D
mq has hard carry potential
her 27% basedmg is just insane in late stage
heard mAus iz playing this shiet
we can play a bit if you want im about 1750 MMR but not when yo want to play carry at any chance.
you've only carries/ganker in top5 and yet 0.9kd + bad creeps / game, there's a reason you're stuck at 1500
i've played quite a lot of games with only carries/gankers before and only love pred from my top5 so. I've been playing a lot better lately than I used to :)
decent player, i recommendz
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