dont want to play in OC ?


Our team, #EUNd was 2 late to sign-up for the next OC.

So my question was if there is any team who just dont want to play OC (inactivity, clan dead,.. ) ?

We would like to play in this OC and I'm not sure if this is possible.. Maybe there is a team who can help us ? A team from 3rd or maybe 4th div. would be nice !

Thx in advance !

Pretty sure OC already started weeks ago and a few matchweeks have already been played.
if u really want to play oc, deal with the offer u might get and not just come up with some claims.

despite the fact that 1st matchweek is already over.
afaik teamspeedlink dropped and was used to swap teams as some kind of placeholder dunno if you can still take their place though should be 4th league now i think?
you're a bit late, as matches have already been played....
But like dEzz said, i heard bosses is dead @ 2nd league could try that.
Best chance is to pm an admin tho!
the dutch team in oc premier also dropped out, if your interested :p
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