Scarzy and nice weather

When You See It

- You'll Shit Bricks

image: IMAG0154
Having this, ever better since 3 weeks. yes

In other news I was showing Altsii my shorts:

image: IMAG0153
image: IMAG0151
image: SP_A0257

Still got these from last year, will get an additional pair this year :)

e: just noticed the whale on your second, I'm pretty sure i got something like that when i was a little kid and just got my first swimming diploma :D
Yeah! Its one of my first swimming badges :D
lol eeeuuww
This journal is now about Frop who is the most awesome admin ever.
Better than nipples I suppose.
nice name!
\m/ fuck yeah frap \m/
who's idea Frop was telll me :D
This journal is now about Frop who is the most awesome admin ever.
This journal is now about Frop who is the most awesome admin ever.
This journal is now about Frop who is the most awesome admin ever.
nice abs
This journal is now about me who is the most awesome player ever.
I'd tap that
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