I want to believe!! :D

real or fake? xD

i actually creeped at 8:20
haha a white pic
nice white square

:D :D :D
fixed, thx m8 im in debt!
beliave it or not! idc!
for me, i cant imagine we are alone in this damn big hell of an universe
true as that may be, why do we always consider 'other being in the universe' to look how they look (so stereotype) and are technically way more advanced then we are? I find it easier to believe that there are some shit animals (DINORAWRS) on some godforsaken planet then this 'omg they are big and have technologie 10000000000x better than ours and all they want is destroy us' bullshit.
that topic is to complex to simply say there is no aggressive race with 100000000x better technology than we are. look how old our modern technology is, if u set a start time to back in stown age.. just a couple of million years, if its even that much. therefore universe itself is like 13billion years old.. so why shouldnt there be some race with imba technology if they develeped i.e. 500mio years ago and never got erased by asteroids and whatever shit. tho the propability is close to 0 that some race is comming here to simply rape our asses imo ^^

tho surely there are more planets with bacterias or other primitives life forms existing, or even dinorawrs with eyeglasses.
true that, thats what i'v always been saying
+1 i think its kinda ego to think we are alone :)
'transmition' :DD quality vid
want to belive as well but guess its fake :(
likely fake, not saying that there aren't other living creatures somewhere else out in the universe, though
already seen this in facebook
better watch x-files xxx version :D
start believing
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