SLAC ss Whats This?

Hey, after playing on a few radom pub servers.

This one guy gets high acc all the time, understandable. Everyone says he hacks etc etc.

so i looked at his slac screenshots eveything seems fine except these:

This one can see a shot fired from/at.

There is quiet a few more etc. What is this green bar down the left hand side of his screen??
spread/recoil bar?

oh and the lines are bullet tracers
lol dude :) this is the spread/bar.. it's a cvar...
thats spread/recoil bar... cant remember cmd tho its smtg from ET;)
1st is clear
2nd is clear
3rd is clear
4th is clear
5th is clear
6th is clear
7th is clear
this is exactly why newschoolers should be banned
tbh this hs nothing to do with being newschool or not.. everyniewschooler wouldnt ask this question, since all of them used to play with default cfg in which the recoil bar is activated anyway.

so its rather about banning the total braindamaged people.
Doesn't defaultcfg only have recoilbar on when using a scoped weapon?
i thought its on in general :O?
ban this motherfucker
"like this" damn we need a facebook "like" button on CF!!
Dont ask you dont know :D Thanks
nice fail
b_tracers and b_spreadscale? don't see smth wrong here!
/b_tracers 2 or sth
:) + spreadscale also
have that too :x dnno how to remove it
cg_drawspreadscale 1 if you want it gone, comes up when sniping only then
Cheers never saw this cvar before :D
all hacks
must be hax
good troll is good troll
obvious cheats, ban
vid_restart bug
to newschool to know the game?
what's the pub he is on?!
lol idiot
bozar cfg :PPP
since when can you comment on slac screenies?

whats next? a like button?
lol bullet tracers
you should see ET @ nvidia sli. that's funny
yh, played with this guy yesterday on ns, extremely high acc but i have to say didnt see anything suspicious, he's just mr.campalot
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