Portal #2

anyone tried yet? pretty nice game, more stuff compared to first one. was about to only test it and then go to sleep but got addicted to it :)

image: o_718821
Hitler happy :)
I wanna play but can't afford it :<
its awesome ! :P the co-op mode aswell
nvm found it
is the co-op playable on something like hamachi? if so, i might play it with some friends.
i guess you need to buy the game to do so
hamachi makes it LAN so should work
you can play with me friend
nice game, love stephen merchant's voice acting.
loved first, gotta try second one now
I had demo of #1 never bought it though was decent. If I downloaded this now or bought it will it matter? I mean or should I complete one first.
downloaded version works fine
the only thing you'll be missing out on is the backstory
a lot of the jokes/humor so far i would say has been referencing portal 1 so although it does work as a game on it's own i wouldn't recommend playing the 2nd without the 1st
yeah but the blanks are all filled in (first time you meet glados YOU KILLED ME etc)

glados was such a massive cunt in the SP i loved it :d
MP wasn't bad either

last scene of sp is awesome btw :D
was playing it earlier but been honning, gonna go complete it now most probably

i miss the blue robot dude, i hope he comes back although it seems unlikely
whats ur hon nick, Thomas
Finished the singleplayer right now. Didn't really play portal1. Seems like a boring game but well.. i don't enjoy singleplayers, i don't really enjoy games at all (except ET / some fps, mostly multiplayers)
rather tell me me sth aboutour ofi on sunday. since d0g, arto and setup refused to answer me. its forced now (whoever did that) to 21cet, we'd prefer 22+ cet. can u agree on that?
mm.. i haven't talked to them because they have been busy but i will talk today.. anyway i guess it's okay to play 1 hour later, BUT it's easter day, doesn't seem like a good day to play (atleast for me.. family over n stuff).

Will let you know later
I enjoyed singleplayer, nice phyzics
I was going to just play the first few levels.. Well by the time I quit I was on chapter 7.
Pretty much happened to me except I just finished it. I've been hungry for AGES but I had to keep going.

Last two chapters had so many moments that made me go "Really game... there's no way you want me to do that... that's outrageous!" and it was awesome.
Moments like that are one of the reasons this game really is so awesome. It blends the plot and immersion and gameplay in a way that produces an atmosphere where you're constantly thinking "should I even be here / what THE HELL is happening".
I remember at first just thinking it would be awesome to have a new narbacular drop only in the source engine, I didn't realise they were going to raise the bar for an entire industry. Nor did I believe that a sequel could keep hold of the charm and humour of the first but I'm more than happy to be proved wrong.

ps music is easily the best ost since the social network
you bought it right ?
Think it will be awesome game ;)
Tried it, and that's really awesome! :)
I heard skidrow release crushes randomly waiting for proper
ppl say it's way too short
Completed in ~7h.. Truly awesome game, still need to try co-op...
Alredy bought it on the internet a week ago. Waiting CD key. Should got it today.

But I played it with a friend and it's just awesome. Waiting for coop now.
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