Iamretarded thoughts on looking for a team

[20:36] uni: hey frend did u find team?:)
[20:36] rat1oN two-face: team is watching footboll i think
[20:36] rat1oN two-face: why you ask about my friend team=?
[20:38] uni: not tim, i mean a team, not the name.
[20:38] rat1oN two-face: ohh
[20:38] rat1oN two-face: no man....they all is do same way
[20:38] rat1oN two-face: "he is speaking langage not good so he bad"
[20:38] rat1oN two-face: i never even get chance of play
[20:38] uni: why ppl so mean -,-
[20:39] rat1oN two-face: i dno man...is cuz none like the foreyner....if u foreyner pippol hate you many time
[20:39] rat1oN two-face: every time my life i get the shit and hate cuz i am dysalectica....
[20:39] uni: u okay:s they retards
[20:39] rat1oN two-face: i can no spell
[20:39] uni: u can, your spelling is really good:)
[20:39] uni: not really good
[20:40] uni: but u know
[20:40] rat1oN two-face: ye....i don go out today...i practice many time
[20:40] rat1oN two-face: then i will say to pippol "hahah now who is the regret....i am low+ now"
[20:40] rat1oN two-face: and they all mad :D
[20:40] rat1oN two-face: hahaha
[20:40] rat1oN two-face: :D
[20:40] uni: ahahah nice:D
[20:40] uni: u prac super hard? dont stop friend someday u get a team;)
[20:41] rat1oN two-face: i ask ensam he is finish and my friend since very long but he never reply
[20:41] rat1oN two-face: yes :D hahaha
[20:41] uni: he is such a cunt man:s dont worry dont be sad ok?:)
[20:41] rat1oN two-face: and then i get team and i play ensam and i make burn on him when he plays LOL
[20:41] rat1oN two-face: ok but is hard...
[20:41] uni: LOOOL
[20:41] rat1oN two-face: maybe in futare i am not sad cuz i so good
[20:41] rat1oN two-face: but now is not so fnu to live...
[20:41] uni: yes i understand but never give up, listen to your motivational song from miley cyrus maybe it cheers u up?
[20:42] rat1oN two-face: yes i listen many time SNSD and the miley cyrus :)
[20:42] uni: yes never give up:)

these logs are allowed by CataloniaIamretarded since it will perhaps help him to get a team, thats what he said, plus i think that every lil help is usefull to him... since u know...
Im feeling with him :s
i listen many time this to be happyer [video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGbwL8kSpEk[video]

also [video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M11SvDtPBhA[video]
thank you friend :D
you only have to do the TGbwL8kSpEk between [youtbe]..[/youtube]
not possible in comments
lol didnt know

thx vriend van eddie en rezzie
sure xD you trick ahaha
Tip: Quit listening to miley and you will sure get a team.
miley better than tupac su.
True also , just dont like her music at all.
miley better than the kooks, aritic monkeys, phantom planet, The XX and sufjan stevens together.
Rebecca Black beats the shit out of all of those including miley!
wow..yo have mosik style like emerem lol...."yo yo yo" hahaha bad mosik
nice way of trolling ;)
i met him irl

he bought a candy to a girl because he thought that she was hot.
care ? :p

its just 2 obvious that you are trying to troll with his "englishskills"

trolling is a art ..you have to do it without people noticing it
i edited prev comment
i have this and this is not my 1st langage...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyslexia
SNSD making everyone happy ;)
you like too? they+miley make movie and I go WOOW :D yES?
[20:41] rat1oN two-face: and then i get team and i play ensam and i make burn on him when he plays

laughed at that :D
[20:39] rat1oN two-face: i can no spell
[20:39] uni: u can, your spelling is really good:)

u good frend :) can be frends we?
who? him and u? i dno ask him?:p

if u mean me then yes, im a supportive friend;)
hes a good guy, but he does make me laugh alot by things he says:( but hes a good guy
i dont play et
me nether :( no wants me maybe i go back on catalan crew ;)
Quote by iamretardedOur friend me can be considered as the one and only SPANISH_GOD, we all admire his greatness.Also there is the story about me, who happened to be one of the very few nice french guys.Although sometimes this silly Frenchman tried to serve us some odd looking dishes he would like to call "delicacies"

Our good friend me had lived in a small quiet town in wales, Where his parents had a great farm with many many sheep.

xD i steal this from catalan page :D is all how is the catalan known and i change so is me :D
omg ensam cunt
Dude, you're awesome
Haha awesome! I hope you find a team :)
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