c++ freEze

my pc tends to freeze when i quit et; google gave me this: http://www.battlefieldheroes.com/de/forum/showthread.php?tid=153934
the solution appears to be to install some service packs for some c++ stuff, however i have no idea what that is and how to find the ones i need..
so could someone explain me how to find them and/or link the ones for xp home (version 2002) sp2?

Thanks very much in advance :)
microsoft download center?
i have like no idea what to dl there :S
at least searching for 'c++' gives 0 results
links are in the same topic u linked ??
yer, but for a different windows version, no?
at least he asks for his before giving the links, and the guy has vista, i have xp...!?
Supported Operating Systems:Windows 2000 Service Pack 4;Windows 7;Windows Server 2003;Windows Server 2008;Windows Server 2008 R2;Windows Vista;Windows XP
ah, ye.. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/resultsForProduct.aspx?displaylang=en&ProductID=23947d52-b2bc-4e88-8c51-e81dc2905b0d
it shows windows xp in both sp1 and the other ones of that year, you know what the difference is?
when it was released and how big fix* upgrade it is
which means i should download file 05sp1, 05, 08sp1 or 08?
05sp1, 08sp1
you don't lag we can't aim..
what bit windows your using?
xp home only available with 32, no? anyhow, I have 32.
ah ok dont know then i had freezing problems with 64 bits but not anymore after i put in more RAM :D
hope installing these c++ visuals will fix it, when i eventually find out which to get ;s

I believe its this :) try updating it.

The only program that windows HAS to have to run most games is called "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (or 2008) redistributable" in your software list.
QuoteHAS to have to run

with sp1 or not? and only install one of them? as in my link in the topic he tells him to get both..
just download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 and 2008 (i got both aswell) redistributable for your operating system. Can't be that hard to just do it?
i just didnt/dont know what sp1 stands for x)
but have that: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=a7b7a05e-6de6-4d3a-a423-37bf0912db84 now, gonna dl 05 & 08 no sp1 if it wont fix it, + update gfx drivers
redistributable shit iz missing
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