Weird Controls

Due to absolute boredom whilst revising, I've decided to investigate what controls people use. My controls, and the way I use them is very different to most people afaik.

So was wondering do any other people use a strange Portugal setup?

Forward Left
image: imag0021is

Forward Right
image: imag0022x

Backwards Left
image: imag0023a

Backwards Right
image: imag0024fz

Forward Right Jump
image: imag0020y

bind mouse1 "+attack"
bind mouse2 "+movedown"
bind mouse3 "weapalt"
bind enter "+activate"

bind uparrow "+forward"
bind downarrow "+back"
bind leftarrow "+moveleft"
bind rightarrow "+moveright"

bind space "+moveup"
bind r "+reload"
bind del "+prone"
bind shift "+sprint"
bind . "+speed"
bind kp_ins "+leanright"
bind ctrl "+leanleft"
bind g "+mapexpand"

bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind escape "togglemenu"
bind kp_enter "mp_fireteamadmin"
bind tab "+scores"
bind l "OpenLimboMenu"
bind t "messagemode"
bind y "messagemode2"
bind v "mp_QuickMessage"

bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F3 "+topshots"
bind F4 "+stats"

bind home "autorecord"
bind end "stoprecord"
bind - "ready; setspawnpt 0; echo ^70; play sound\menu\select.wav"
bind = "notready"

bind kp_slash "timerset 30; echo ^7Timer: ^130 ^7Seconds"
bind * "timerset 25; echo ^7Timer: ^125 ^7Seconds"
bind kp_minus "timerset 20; echo ^7Timer: ^120 ^7Seconds"

bind \ "+zoom;+attack;wait;-attack;-zoom"

bind k "kill;forcetapout"

bind 0 "setspawnpt 0; echo ^70; play sound\menu\select.wav"
bind 1 "setspawnpt 1; echo ^71; play sound\menu\select.wav"
bind 2 "setspawnpt 2; echo ^72; play sound\menu\select.wav"
bind 3 "setspawnpt 3; echo ^73; play sound\menu\select.wav"
bind 4 "setspawnpt 4; echo ^74; say_teamnl ^3-> ^7Spawn 4; play sound\menu\select.wav"
bind 5 "setspawnpt 5; echo ^75; play sound\menu\select.wav"

bind kp_del "weaponbank 1; com_maxfps 125; cg_drawgun 0"
bind pgdn "weaponbank 2; com_maxfps 71; cg_drawgun 0"
bind / "weaponbank 3; com_maxfps 125; cg_drawgun 0"
bind kp_end "weaponbank 4; com_maxfps 125; cg_drawgun 0"
bind p "weaponbank 5; com_maxfps 125; cg_drawgun 0"
bind mwheelup "weaponbank 6; com_maxfps 125; cg_drawgun 0"
bind m "weaponbank 7; com_maxfps 125; cg_drawgun 0"
unbind mwheeldown

bind kp_home "class f 3; say_teamnl ^3-> ^7fop"
bind kp_uparrow "class m 3; say_teamnl ^3-> ^7med"
bind kp_pgup "class e 1; say_teamnl ^3-> ^7eng"
bind kp_rightarrow "class e 2; say_teamnl ^3-> ^7rifle"
bind kp_leftarrow "class c 1; say_teamnl ^3-> ^7covert"
bind kp_5 "class s 4; say_teamnl ^3-> ^7panzer"

bind f "fireteam create; vote no; fireteam inviteall"

bind s "selectbuddy -2"

bind pgup "vstr long"
set close "cg_fov 110.07; cg_crosshaircolor red; bind pgup vstr long"
set long "cg_fov 100.39; cg_crosshaircolor yellow; bind pgup vstr close"
focus on scheduling EC games instead of that eh? :D
Arranged it for Wednesday, then TLR couldnt play, they say they can play on sunday but who knows!
wasd +cy(z)
il a des doigts boudinés !
I use arrows keys too \o/ Will take a picture of how it's typically in position now :Pp

image: 5642883399_f301ee1814_z

Middle finger usually resting on 'up', while index is on 'right' and ring finger is on 'left'. Would drop my middle finger for 'down' and pinky alternates between 'ctrl' for crouch, 'shift' for sprint* and 'enter' for jump.

* Only when using rnade/sniperz, mouse2 is sprint otherwise!
** Note my awesome keyboard from 1997, has been resprayed numerous times since buying it :pp
get some sun bro :D
no sun @ finland :AS:DA:SD:A:SD
I have, can't you tell? :(
Need to get the factor 50 out again, sun was shining today *_*
pff, sunscreen is overrated, vitamin d3 defeciency causes skin cancer ":D"
ugly fingers jagh
They're beautiful <3 working man's fingers :ppp
bind home "+reload"
bind p "+moveforward"
bind s "+back"
bind leftarrow "+moveleft"
bind rightarrow "+moveright"
bind space "+attack"
bind ctrl "weapalt"
bind mouse1 "+moveup"
bind mouse2 "+movedown"
bind mouse3 "+sprint"

ask m1ke, he has most fucked up setup ever
Standard WSAD for me but right mouse or capslock for fov changer, ctrl for walk and INS/HOME/PGUP/PGDWN/DELTE/END for spawn timers
used arrows as well for 6 years+. lately wasd but played so little that arrows would still be more comfortable
think i had little bit better buttons though :D r for reload and k for selfkill for example sound like big disadvantage
they are keystroked on the mouse :D, main disadvantage is i cant really do the crazy left rightleft right strafe to dodge bullets easily, cos i have to move my thumb to do both keys.
i use keypad for weaponbinds ;d
you know my crazy setup :) due to multi classing my class binds remap about 6 of my keys :D
same here, every class different binds on my mouse to change to the right weapons/tools faster.
lol kid fingers
I've never used WASD for movement, I use ASDF :D

bind a "+back"
bind s "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
bind f "+forward"

More comfortable for the fingers and easier to strafe with!
so is your resting position on s,d,f and space or something ?
Basically. All four of my fingers will fit on A, S, D, and F at once, with my thumb on SPACE. Then I just take my pinky finger off A when sprinting (SHIFT). It would probably look really weird if you were to watch me play, since I guess I move my fingers off the movement keys a lot. But I'm used to it, so it works! :D
you should ask how anim plays.... its fucked up.
azerty keyboard:
i use qsdz to move

shift to crouch
ctrl is fovswitch or droprweapon
f is sprint
a is voice chat
e & r are my lean buttons
enter is enter
backspace is /kill
space to jump
Mine is pretty weird. :E

image: 2hgg2hk

edit: It's all about balance.
Arrow keys for movement

KP_End - Prone
KP_Leftarrow - Crouch
Enter - Use/Activate
Del & End - Lean left & right
KP_Ins - Binocs
Space Bar - Killout
Ctrl - Sprint

KP 2/3/5/6 - Weapons

People say my controls are weird but I could never get used to WASD, I kept missing keys.

image: 2hwmx5x

Thats how my hand rests
how can i get killed by a guy whose playing löike that :<?
what's wrong with your hands..
btw. w,a,s,d rock.
image: klawajcj

j k l i for movement
u and o for lean
6 7 8 9 0 - = medpacks smg colt etc
shift for jump
alt for slower walking
h is sprint

:) fucked up, isnt it? :)
only hackers use that, bot on f9 or sth :DD
u cant beat smurftang!
ask s1lent
haha ;D

der platzsparertrick :-)
You drunk when you first started playing?!

Although Smurftang tops that, he plays with his hands swapped. What a MAN.
Yeah someone needs to post that smurftang pic it is mental. I think when i started i just quickly went into RTCW controls, and automatically changed the wasd to arrows and it made more sense to me, then probably left everything else, then gradually changed some other stuff due to keyboard layout.
Ah that makes sense really. I'd barely had much experience with FPS before WASD became standard, so the switch over was easy for me. Tbh there is nothing wrong with it, all what you're used to.
m2 jump
r. shift walk
reload mwheelup
nades kp_end
smg enter
pistol kp_ins
strike/needle mwheeldown
med/ammo pgdn

C = crouch
X = prone
WASD = movement
QE = lean
Mouse2 = sprint
Space = jump

pretty default imo: D
when i was active:

s-voice chat
i use all the numbers that are in a square on the right hand side of your keyboard.
5 forward
2 backwards
1 left
3 right
4 lean left
6 lean right
9 needle
7 medpacks
8 sprint enter open door
del jump
0 crouch
+ prone

edit + invert mouse
;D weird setup, jeez that must be very annoying, specially the invert mouse...
are you left handed?
no im not left handed
My setup:

bind TAB "+scores"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind 0 "mp_quickmessage"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind b "+zoom"
bind c "+speed"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "+leanright"
bind f "+activate"
bind h "vsay_team ftreviveme"
bind j "vsay cheer"
bind l "openlimbomenu"

bind p "vstr pausetogg"
seta pausetogg "vstr pausegame"
seta pausegame "pause; set pausetogg vstr unpausegame;echo ^d& ^7Paused^d! ;play sound\menu\select.wav"
seta unpausegame "unpause; set pausetogg vstr pausegame;echo ^d& ^7Unpaused^d! ;play sound\menu\select.wav"

bind q "+leanleft"
bind r "+reload"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode"
bind u "messagemode3"

bind v "vstr artilhery"
seta artilhery "+zoom; +attack; -zoom; -attack"

bind w "+forward"
bind x "+prone"
bind y "messagemode2"
bind z "vsay_team needammo"
bind CAPSLOCK "kill; forcetapout"

bind ALT "vstr st"
seta st "vstr statisticsall"
seta statisticsall "vstr statistics"
seta statistics "+topshots;+stats;set statisticsall vstr statistics2"
seta statistics2 "-topshots;-stats;set statisticsall vstr statistics"

bind CTRL "+movedown"
bind PGUP "team spectator;echo ^d& ^7Spectator^d!"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F3 "ready"
bind F4 "notready"

bind F5 "vstr sol"
set sol "vstr sol1"
set sol1 "class s 5;say_buddy ^d& ^7Mortar^d!;set sol vstr sol2; exec class120"
set sol2 "class s 4;say_buddy ^d& ^7Panza^d!;set sol vstr sol3; exec class120"
set sol3 "class s 3;say_buddy ^d& ^7Flammer^d!;set sol vstr sol4; exec class120"
set sol4 "class s 2;say_buddy ^d& ^7mg^d!;set sol vstr sol1; exec class120"
bind F6 "class m 1;say_buddy ^d& ^7Medic^d!; exec class120"
bind F7 "vstr engi"
set engi "vstr eng1"
set eng1 "class e 1;say_buddy ^d& ^7Eng^d!;set engi vstr eng2; exec class120"
set eng2 "class e 2;say_buddy ^d& ^7Rifle^d!;set engi vstr eng1; exec class120"
bind F8 "class f 1;say_buddy ^d& ^7Fieldop^d!; exec class120"
bind F9 "vstr cop"
set cop "vstr cop1"
set cop1 "class c 1;say_buddy ^d& ^7sten^d!;set cop vstr cop2; exec class120"
set cop2 "class c 2;say_buddy ^d& ^7FG42^d!;set cop vstr cop3; exec class120"
set cop3 "class c 3;say_buddy ^d& ^7sniper^d!;set cop vstr cop1; exec sniper"

:DDDDD, 2 lazy to write so..
wat about your mouse control?
oh, forgot because it's in the end of cfg!

bind MOUSE3 "weapalt"
bind MWHEELUP "cg_fov 120; cg_drawgun 1; seta m_pitch 0.020; cg_crosshairsize 39 ; seta sensitivity 1.78;echo ^d& ^7Fov ^1120^d!" // 3.2
bind MWHEELDOWN "cg_fov 98; cg_drawgun 0; seta m_pitch 0.022; cg_crosshairsize 41 ; seta sensitivity 1.9; echo ^d& ^7Fov ^190^d!"

bind MOUSE1 "+vstr valo1 valo2"
set valo1 "+attack; r_dynamiclight 0; b_tracers 0"
set valo2 "-attack; r_dynamiclight 1; b_tracers 2"
bind MOUSE2 "+sprint"

d = forward
y = back
s = left
f = right
space = sprint
mouse2 = jump
u got r on reload but your hand is like 1 meter away from it :d

Side Button 1 = push-to-talk
Side Button 2 = kill (k keystroke)
Window Maximiser = reload (r keystroke)
Sens down (-) = needle (p keystroke)
Sens up (+) = mines (m keystroke)

how did u make the dpi +/- bindable in ET? what does the game class the extra mouse buttons as since it goes up to MOUSE5 D:
you change the function of the mouse button at the driver level so it emulates a keystroke then bind that key (hence "p keystroke")
i knew about changing the buttons for the mouse just wasnt sure about binding to it ingame cheers ^^
omg fags use wasd
Oh god, you guys make it look so hard.
Only remotely weird thing I do is crouch with index finger on C. So when I crouch and move left and right, I change my hand position to:

index on C
middle on D
ring on A

After which I just shift my hand back into wasda position. My hands are quite big so when I want to switch covert (F10) I just throw my thumb all over the keyboard and keep the rest in wasda position.

All controls default ET controls btw. Except G = +zoom and B = +mapexpand.
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