movies worth watching

I dont know wich movie i should watch.
i'm in the mood to watch some science fiction movie/fantasy movies.
but other genres are also welcome.

Last movies I saw were

The hurt locker & Terminator movies :)

tell me some movies worth watching!

thx and have a good night!

EDIT: downloading "the book of eli" atm
verandert u titel naar movies worth watching
zeg liever een film! :D
ik kijk alleen anime sorry :$
cable guy
fratske- aimbot The Mechanic (2011) action / thriller The Dilemma (2011) Comedy / Drama
Just watched The Thin Red Line by Terrence Malick. One of the best films I've ever seen.
surprisingly good, and doesn't have any real affection or anything to do with ballet and dancing, which i found very good, took me a long time before ive decided to watch it purely due to the ballet and dancing acts in the movie which i though are a strong element (which i was mistaken)
Shoot 'Em Up
a hitchhikers guide to galaxy fits ur requierments
shutter island
sucker punch
The Mist -> worth watching

Cloverfield -> worth watching

The book of Eli

Shutter Island
the book of eli is surely fantasy/scifiction
hurt locker was the most overrated film ive ever seen
wasnt bad tho
imdb -> top 250 -> watch these before asking for advice on movies "worth watching"
Suckerpunch :DDDD
Inception, probably best movie in 2010.
I totally agree with you. But you really need to be concentrated if you want to understand that movie.. :D
Well, first time i watched it i was little bit drunk and got bored since i didn't understand anything. Next day i watched it again while being sober and i understood the movie. So yea your right :P. You have to think while watching it or you wont understand anything in this movie.
Yeah, really hard to understand it.. Watched this movie with my brother.. he watched it already so he explained me a bit if i didnt understand everything.. ;D
The Losers
The Green Hornet

None of m are scifi tho, The Losers and The Green Hornet are bit action like movies ;p
Dead space anime is cool
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