Microphone settings

so i have this problem that my background noises are way louder than me, so much that it looks like that the mic is next to e.g. the keyboard and i sound like far away, is there some way to adjust that, or some settings i need to change or anything?

headset is a steelseries siberia v2
Had the same:/ Using push-to-talk now, no complaints since.

e: image: WOUmG
If you don't have that yet..
i dont have such a thing, i run on onboard sound
It's just a driver :o
i dont think im using any, cuz my normal soundcard (creative) is half dead
There you go, i had the same problem. Got a new soundcard, problem solved.
So you have a seperate soundcard which plugs into a PCI slot? Something like this:

image: 1251468514

Just plug your headset and mic into the slots of your onboard (probably realtek) soundcard. Problem solved.

You probably won't even notice a lot of difference since the soundcard you have is pretty cheap.
I think the problem ( if uve got the usb siberia soundcard ) concerns the usb soundcard. It needs a working soundcard in your pc
i do, but the mic slot is broken :D
hi lars
just kidding hi wim
Schreeuwen!! :D
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