Gap year in London

Hey. I'm looking for an UK guy/girl, that lives or know the London area pretty good.
The reason is that after summer I would like to go work somewhere else in a different country. I've been to London 3 times already and pretty much like it :) Anyways, if anyone is avi to help a bit with what options there is if I want to go to London, where to stay and all that shit, then I would be very thankful :)

finding a place to live will be very expensive :p
Is there not some cheap retro immigrant niggar ghetto motherfucker buildings like normaly :P?
Come to New York :).
Give me a job and a place to live and I will come :D!
I can get you a job at Burger King :D, and you can live in the projects with the African American brothers. :$
Well the job is kinda fine xd fuck the job. But wtf is African American brothers :P?
Niggers. :D
Hm.. I'm not sure that I fit in there :D
you will feel at home between the gangsta nigga's
Meh, I tried :D.
Why would anyone want to live in London?
Why wont you?
It's a pile of concrete, nothing beautiful about it. It's loud, smelly and full of people I don't want to have anything to do with.

So basically like any other big city just in an even more extreme way.
Oh please.. Not one of you urban-haters.. You want to live in a small city out on the country looking at nothing and where everyone knows everyone? Because I've been there for like my entire life and I'm pretty much tired of it :P
I've lived in a small village all my life now and I love it. I don't see nothing when going out, I see beautiful nature all around me.

I'm living quite near to a big city though which I had to visit quite often and I was glad everytime I was back home.
You have no idea how jealous I am of you. =/. I wanna live around nature so bad. Mind sharing pictures of your surroundings?
London is funny but really expensive.
it didnt sound like you do have a good job offer so id rather check other "cool" cities which might be affordable.
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